Very nicely played really. I myself have quite a bit of trouble with the kind of positions like the one at around move 10, since there's very little room for movement in them, so it was nice to see how you played.
A nice win
Nice Queenside (counter-)attack! Nice finish. I think that your opponent, having seen that you had blocked off the Kingside, he should either have castled Kingside as well, or after castling Queenside, he should not have opened his Queenside. He made several mistakes in one move... taking your Knight on move 25, instead of playing Bf1 to defend c4. By capturing your Knight, he allowed your Bishop on g7 to get into the game when the pawn gets out of the way. In addition he took away a piece (the Knight) that seems NOT to have an obvious way of being effective in the attack, while giving up a Bishop that could participate in the defense. Lastly, he is simplifying, when simplifying the position seems to be to the opponent's advantage.
This does not take away from the fact that you conducted a nice attack on the Queenside.
Thanks Chessiq. I have played through the game with Fritz and I'm fairly pleased that I found some good moves, especially in the counter-attack. However, Fritz preferred taking back the Knight on d4 with the other pawn i.e. 25...cxd4.
Far be it from be to disagree with Fritz, but I'm not sure that computers necessarily evaluate such 'closed' positions very well. I think exd4 gave my bishop at g7 some hope of entering the game and that it was therefore the better recapture. I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this. Thanks!
What a nice and interesting game!!!
After defending the white's attack for the black's king side effectively, the black
attacked the white's queen side continuously.
In spite of the short game having only 32 moves, it is really exciting as if I watched
the game of GM.
But, I don't know why the white didn't play 30. Qxc4+ Rxc4 31. bxc4 instead of 30.Qc2
Though five pieces including 2 major pieces(queen,rook, 2 bishops, pawn) are attacking
simultaneously, why doesn't the white exchange any pieces?
If the white had exchanged its queen for the black rook and bishop, I think it wouldn't
have lost so fast.
Anyway, This is the game that the black played very well and is suitable for game
I can't thank you enough for the wonderful game like this.
What a nice and interesting game!!!
After defending the white's attack for the black's king side effectively, the black
attacked the white's queen side continuously.
In spite of the short game having only 32 moves, it is really exciting as if I watched
the game of GM.
But, I don't know why the white didn't play 30. Qxc4+ Rxc4 31. bxc4 instead of 30.Qc2
Though five pieces including 2 major pieces(queen,rook, 2 bishops, pawn) are attacking
simultaneously, why doesn't the white exchange any pieces?
If the white had exchanged its queen for the black rook and bishop, I think it wouldn't
have lost so fast.
Anyway, This is the game that the black played very well and is suitable for game
I can't thank you enough for the wonderful game like this.
Thank you! I think there may be a few points where I could have played better, but I was very pleased with the game overall. I agree that 30.Qxc4 would have been a better way for White to play, but I think it can be psychologically difficult to part with the Queen.
I think I played quite well in this game. The opening was unfamiliar to me and I got a bit nervous at one point that my opponent might get a Kingside attack going, but I managed to block the Kingside with pawns and then counterattack on the Queenside.
I think I had the better position, but a slip from my opponent meant that the game ended quickly.
As always, constructive criticism is welcomed.