btw I find that endgames are often hellaciously tactical...
It's weird how that works isn't it?
I think partly it's because in an endgame, mistakes are much more game changing. In the opening if I have a passive minor piece or lose a pawn, meh, maybe I got some tempi somewhere. In the endgame your bishop is a little passive? 1 tempi or pawn short? You're just dead. 100% dead haha.
Okay, so maybe shorter time controls are making players more speculative and risky.
Honestly what I'd like is to take all the position from chess 960.
Have an engine throw out the positions that give white a clear advantage.
Have Aronian or some other top 960 guys throw out boring positions like bishops starting on a1 and h1 (he mentioned this specific case in an interview)
Then with what you have left, poll the top 100 players for which positions they think are interesting.
Then, finally, you start the year with, say, 5 or 10 positions. From these 5 or 10 a random one will be chosen to start a game. Players can still do prep, but not soul crushingly massive prep.
Then next year usher in a new set of 5 or 10.
I'd be on board with that.