Very strong move at 7.Bd3 and move 11.Qh5. The opponent become weak at move 13.Bxh7 the black knigths at Kf6 is useless then. So the black force to move the King 13. Kh8 due to a check. Very impressive moves and combative tactics.Hopefully I could play this way.
A Cracking Game
Instead of 12...Nbd7 of the black, How about g6?
After the white move 13. Bxh7+ due to the unprotected black queen,
there has not been any hope for black.
It is the excellent play of white.
I thought I would showcase one of the best games I have played on This game included tactics, precise planning and a good execution of play. Having looked back at the game it is suprising that I really played like that. I have only been studying with the Chess Mentor really.
If you have any comments or suggestions, then please mention. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.