
Win against NM analysis (Amazing kingwalk! 22... Kf8!)


The game was decided on a tactic. If not for that tactic, I would've been in a lot of trouble with my king being moments away from annihilation. I couldn't really find a good middlegame plan for that structure. I wasn't sure which side of the board I should've been playing on. The computer seems to suggest that I slowly gain space on all sides of the board Karpovian-style. 

On move 22., I made a big mistake capturing the f5 pawn. With the center and Queenside being locked, I could've walked my king to the other side of the board! That would've been an awesome way to win.


Nice game! Yeah Bg5 was not correct. It's hard to know how to proceed there. Maybe 12...Be6 or h5. One idea is 12...h5 13.h3 Be6 14.Ne1 Qd7 15.Kh2 g5! Nice tactic to win, using the long diagonal.

K_Any wrote:

Nice game! Yeah Bg5 was not correct. It's hard to know how to proceed there. Maybe 12...Be6 or h5. One idea is 12...h5 13.h3 Be6 14.Ne1 Qd7 15.Kh2 g5! Nice tactic to win, using the long diagonal.

Thanks for the feedback and move ideas!


Thats very coollwink