
Why is this a mistake?


Why does the engine call this a mistake? Taking the Rook with a discovered Check? F6 to H8? But hanging the White Bishop is good?




Here is why. It lead to a forced checkmate. If you take rook right away it allows the king to get away. It is not an easy checkmate to see. So you are sacrificing your bishop not hanging it in this situation. There is a lot to calculate this one without a computer to help.

Bxh8+ is a great move. It leaves you up a rook, a bishop and you have a raging attack. Black’s king is helpless. However, if you miss a forced checkmate the computer is always going to classify it as either a mistake, a missed win, or a blunder depending on the position.
doyoustockfish wrote:
Bxh8+ is a great move. It leaves you up a rook, a bishop and you have a raging attack. Black’s king is helpless. However, if you miss a forced checkmate the computer is always going to classify it as either a mistake, a missed win, or a blunder depending on the position.

Fun fact: Bxh8 is also a forced checkmate. A bit slower than some other moves, but a mate is a mate.