
Why is this a brilliant

i sacrificed my bishop but i dont know why it is brillian
sacrifices that are hard to find are great moves or sometimes brilliants, also the higher rated you are, the harder it is to get brilliants
A good piece sacrifice is a brilliant

I had an example in my recent game.

I left a knight on g4 even though it was threatened by a pawn on h3 and played h5 instead (I was black obviously). This is a pretty normal sacrifice when the rook is still on h8, which was the case here too.

My confusion stems from the engine saying that it was not in fact the best move. The best move would have been Nh6 (I did consider that, I was up a piece).

So given that it wasn't the best move and that it's a pretty standard sacrifice.. why did it get brilliant annotation. Isn't that just pandering?

Edit: Okay pandering is too strong. Sorry. Not my first language. But I mean.. I get the feeling that it is only labelled a brilliancy to make we feel good about myself. Not because it objectively is.. and I don't actually feel good about that :wink

KnightOfNimue wrote:

My confusion stems from the engine saying that it was not in fact the best move. The best move would have been Nh6 (I did consider that, I was up a piece).

So given that it wasn't the best move and that it's a pretty standard sacrifice.. why did it get brilliant annotation.

You are right, so why do you hesitate to believe it? A "brilliant move" doesn't have to be the best move. Just a sacrifice that's okay. And that's it, end of story. Yes, a lot of those are just standard sacrifices.