
Why is it inaccurate if it's a free knight? Taking back is not an option. So why inaccurate?


The knight move forces a trade of pieces
Maybe that’s it but idk

The reason why is that taking the knight with the queen like you did is just a free knight. If you take with the knight then black is forced to take back with the bishop. Then you play Qxf6, and now you have traded the knight for a knight, and a bishop. The reason why this is better is because it increases your material advantage more. It is based off the idea that when you are up material you want to make even trades thus increasing said material advantage.

Look as black takes back with bf6 then knight takes back it is an fork and then would black losing a queen with a fork
AlphaTeam wrote:

The reason why is that taking the knight with the queen like you did is just a free knight. If you take with the knight then black is forced to take back with the bishop. Then you play Qxf6, and now you have traded the knight for a knight, and a bishop. The reason why this is better is because it increases your material advantage more. It is based off the idea that when you are up material you want to make even trades thus increasing said material advantage.

That's not all, after taking the queen. the knight forks the 2 rooks


That should be evaluated as a blunder, that’s a lost queen!

RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:

That should be evaluated as a blunder, that’s a lost queen!

That comment is bad even for a 500-rated player.

RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:

That should be evaluated as a blunder, that’s a lost queen!

If he takes the Queen with the Bishop the Knight jumps in and forks the Queen and the King

You gain a Knight, a Bishop and a Queen for a Queen and your Knight is now forking two Rooks so you'll trade off a Knight for a Rook the move after.


I have no idea how I got to 500 rating, I can barely think one move ahead. Also, I would like to point out that the arrow is suggesting that they ought to have moved their opponents piece.

Lord_Phan wrote:
RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:

That should be evaluated as a blunder, that’s a lost queen!

If he takes the Queen with the Bishop the Knight jumps in and forks the Queen and the King

You gain a Knight, a Bishop and a Queen for a Queen and your Knight is now forking two Rooks so you'll trade off a Knight for a Rook the move after.

What if black plays d5? Worst outcome for black as far as I can tell is getting a knight for a pawn, and best outcome for black is capturing the queen without any cost to black.

RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:
Lord_Phan wrote:
RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:

That should be evaluated as a blunder, that’s a lost queen!

If he takes the Queen with the Bishop the Knight jumps in and forks the Queen and the King

You gain a Knight, a Bishop and a Queen for a Queen and your Knight is now forking two Rooks so you'll trade off a Knight for a Rook the move after.

What if black plays d5? Worst outcome for black as far as I can tell is getting a knight for a pawn, and best outcome for black is capturing the queen without any cost to black.

You don't lose a Queen in that scenario. You already took a Knight, you lose a Knight and gain a pawn. Probably why it is an inaccuracy.

P.S. I don't understand the arrow either. Makes me think the picture is edited. I also find what magipi said to you as being a bit rude. It is easy enough to explain why and not to insult people.

RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:

I have no idea how I got to 500 rating, I can barely think one move ahead. Also, I would like to point out that the arrow is suggesting that they ought to have moved their opponents piece.

It's not that high.

Lord_Phan wrote:
RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:
Lord_Phan wrote:
RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:

That should be evaluated as a blunder, that’s a lost queen!

If he takes the Queen with the Bishop the Knight jumps in and forks the Queen and the King

You gain a Knight, a Bishop and a Queen for a Queen and your Knight is now forking two Rooks so you'll trade off a Knight for a Rook the move after.

What if black plays d5? Worst outcome for black as far as I can tell is getting a knight for a pawn, and best outcome for black is capturing the queen without any cost to black.

You don't lose a Queen in that scenario. You already took a Knight, you lose a Knight and gain a pawn. Probably why it is an inaccuracy.

P.S. I don't understand the arrow either. Makes me think the picture is edited. I also find what magipi said to you as being a bit rude. It is easy enough to explain why and not to insult people.

Some people enjoy putting other people down. It's wrong but that's how life is in the USA. You can always complain to the moderaters. Hopefully they will give warnings to the offender.


After Nd8 White will eventually be forced to retreat the Queen to avoid losing it. The problem is the retreat squares are awkward. Queen back to f3 allows f5 giving back the material. Qh4 is an awkward square also as it looks in danger of getting trapped. There was no need to play Qxf6 when Nxf6+ wins very simply.

RandomChessPlayer62 wrote:

Also, I would like to point out that the arrow is suggesting that they ought to have moved their opponents piece.

No the arrow is suggesting that black respond to the move just played with this move, rather than take the queen, which as has been pointed out, would result in a royal fork.


fission is correct. After ... Nd8, Qsomewhere f5, gf gf you have a position where either the e4 Knight moves Black takes the g2 Bishop (ending up down a pawn) or the e4 Knight stays and Black takes it and White takes back with the g2 Bishop (Black ending up down two pawns).

Playing Nxf6 instead leaves Black down a full piece instead of just one or two pawns.


Because there are better moves