
What should I have done at turn 4?


 where did i go wrong so early?

D5. Stops the bishop attack on F7.


I agree, simply 4....d5 and you are ok


thank you so much. very clear to see now. hehe. i find myself going on cruise control at the beginning of games and it causes me alot of trouble. Live and learn!

 Thanks again!

lol i checked again and I feel dumb for even posting this. so simple. :(

4...Nxe4 - "I ignored his knight for some reason"

Ignoring your opponent is usually a bad idea. Here he's attacking f7 with two pieces and only your king defends it. If Nxf7 he forks your rook and queen. Let's look at some ideas I've seen people play here:


If 4...h6?? you threaten his knight, but that only forces him to play a good move. 5.Nxf7 Qe7 6.Nxh8 and White has won a rook and a pawn (even if you manage to trap his knight, White comes out way ahead).


If 4...Qe7? now f7 is attacked twice and defended twice, but Black can still play 5.Bxf7+!. Notice 5...Qxf7 6.Nxf7 Kxf7 leaves you "up a piece" but trading a queen (+9) for a knight and bishop (+6) is a terrible plan! So after 5...Kd8 6.Bb3 White is simply up a pawn and you've lost the right to castle.


So 4...d5! 5.exd5 Nxd5 and you've stopped White's immediate attack dead in its tracks. Although the pawn sacrifice 6.d4!? is interesting. How would you reply?

It's ok.  Atleast now you'll (hopefully) never fall for this again :).

While 4. ...d5 is Black's best move here,  you're not quite "ok" yet.  This opening is known as the Fried Liver Attack and is used mainly to attempt an early attack which is unsound if the Black player is prepared for it.  There are a few acceptable variations, a couple of which I'll evaluate below (be sure to click on the "move list" button to see the different variations).



what about, in this position (after move 5) 5...Qf6?

if whites castle than Ne4 only gets a cramped position (or trades a bishop and a knight for a rook.) 


why diddent

a. the bishop attack the pawn

b. the pawn attack the knight


4... d5 is the most common defense. However, 4... Bc5 is also playable and leads to some really wild play. Black counterattacks the f2 pawn and if White is not careful he can be in for a wild ride.
shadowslayer wrote:

why diddent

a. the bishop attack the pawn

b. the pawn attack the knight


 Move 5, after he took the pawn

omnipaul, nice explanation. The 6.d4 line I mentioned transposes to the Lolli Attack, a favorite of Fischer which has a reputation for being somewhat stronger. Of course, the moral of the story is that White should not play 5...Nxd5.
wow. great info on this. now i am glad i posted it :)
I've always done well with the book line:

This should be nicer
You need to defend the F pawn with Qe7, or block the bishop with d5 or Nd5
Even after he takes your pawn, looking at a string of best moves via the analasys board shows his position isn’t that much better
SacrifycedStoat wrote:
You need to defend the F pawn with Qe7, or block the bishop with d5 or Nd5

What's the point of responding to a topic that has been inactive for 17 years?! Do you think OP is still looking for an answer?

If you would have read the previous comments you have seen that the answer was already given. More than once even.

The answer you have provided is also absolutely terrible. You don't understand chess enough to be giving out advice anyway. But if you can't even be bothered to read the rest of the comments or to make an effort to analyze the position, then you aren't contributing anything at all.


Yeah that answer did miss the mark by quite a bit that’s for sure. To be honest I’ve never really understood why topics that are more than a few years old aren’t just automatically archived to prevent this kind of thing.