
My most beautiful finish


This is a really nice finish, take a look !

Please give me feedback on this game and what's YOUR best finish ?


You should check out my series about my best games and interestign positions !

part 1 :


part 2 :


The fingerslip variation equalizes equally for black.  I'd play 6...Be7 too as black has potential to be weak on the dark squares, and bishops defend dark squares.  The Nb5 in particular is overlooking the hole on d6.  Notice that the Bd2 is obstructing the queen's view of the d-file, that is a major reason why it's not exactly white's best. 

On move 13 you are ready to castle whereas white spent an extra tempo reinforcing the e5 point, you are solid and flexible here and have more pieces developed than he does.  The d-pawn is also passed, but that will be relevant later.  You really got him good at the end and the queen was needed to guard some squares.  White made too many pawn moves and allowed you to gain activity. 


Nice game ! Although, a queen can easily win against a knight if enough time on the clock...


Hi guys ! Here's another nice game I played, I'm not showing it because I want to show off, but because this was played on the opening I hate the most. (and you get the reward of seeing a nice tactical finish if you help :)

