
is there a way to win without a queen and how?


i just played a game and i lost my queen how do you win without a queen? can you give me an example or something?


There are a lot of other ways to checkmate without a queen, for example >>>


Or this,

only much harder.

You can win without a queen, if you have a tactic.


If you lose material early on, I would recommend making the game as complicated and sharp as possible, because this gives you more opportunity to outplay your opponent, and gives them chances to make mistakes.  Try not to exchange pieces, because a material advantage is worth more with less pieces on the board.  Also, if you can get an attack going, that's always a good thing because it doesn't matter how much material your opponent is up when he's getting checkmated ;)  Whenever I'm down a lot of material, I just have fun with it.  Play recklessly and sometimes it pays off.  Since I'm already down, there's nothing to lose!


Here's a game in which I dropped a rook in the opening, and came back for the full point.  It's not a queen, granted, but I hope the example helps (I'm pretty proud of this game too!).



Do you mean you lost your queen for nothing, or you exchanged queens?  All other things being equal, the first is probably a death sentence.  The latter is quite normal, and keep playing.  The above examples show how to mate with less material.  You can even mate with a King, bishop, and knight against a lone king, although that ending is very rare in real play. 

Treep's advice is spot on.  If you are behind on material in general keep the game as complicated as possible.  Don't exchange unless you get something significant for it.  Try to create threats in multiple areas of the board.  Muddy the waters whenever possible.

On the other hand if you have a lead in material then even exchanges tend to favor you.  Simply put, if the other guy has less material he will run out first if you keep exchanging, and hopefully you end up in a superior endgame.  That doesn't mean you should automatically stop playing for mate and head for an endgame if you are ahead, but keep it in mind.  At lower levels of play learning some basic endgame skills can give you a huge edge.  Many lower level plays neglect endgame study all together.


For baronspam Ijust won after losing my queen for nothing,a good swarm of pieces can do it


this bit is true though:

 If you are behind on material in general keep the game as complicated as possible. Don't exchange unless you get something significant for it. Try to create threats in multiple areas of the board. Muddy the waters whenever possible.

On the other hand if you have a lead in material then even exchanges tend to favor you. Simply put, if the other guy has less material he will run out first if you keep exchanging, and hopefully you end up in a superior endgame. That doesn't mean you should automatically stop playing for mate and head for an endgame if you are ahead, but keep it in mind. At lower levels of play learning some basic endgame skills can give you a huge edge. Many lower level plays neglect endgame study all together.


Beware, if you win without your Queen, she'll probably divorce you.


This a game where I lost my queen early, but played on, I later captured my opponents queen, made it to the end game, promoted a new queen. And won the game. BTW the queen blunder was a mouse slip.

Winning without a queen can be done. You can flag your opponent, he can blunder his queen, back rank checkmate, promote a pawn. And then there's stalemate by illegal move, repetition, 50 move without a capture, or insufficient material.

l learned playing without a queen helps me see possibilities and ideas I don't see when I relie solely on the queen... at least at 1200 level.

