
Is 90 accuracy normal?

Flappy_Box wrote:

Recently I've been analysing my games and I have around 90-95 accuracy, is this normal? is it a bug? will I get banned?

if you didn't cheat then you won't get banned


[Event "Live Chess Game: GrayPuzzledKoala vs SafeRapidGoal"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.04.14"]
[Round "?"]
[White "GrayPuzzledKoala"]
[Black "SafeRapidGoal"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Rated "Rated"]
[WhiteElo "1142"]
[BlackElo "1235"]
[TimeControl "5|1"]
[Termination "SafeRapidGoal won by resignation"]

1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qh3 d5 5. exd5 Bxh3 6. gxh3 Nd4 7. c3 Nc2+ 8.
Kd1 Nxa1 0-1

100 acurracy


Hi. I'm a really nice, good looking guy with a good income plus I'm very well endowed. Am I at risk of getting banned?

avinta wrote:

I played an oppenent who is 700 and won with 90 perecent or higher one of which BEING 99.6 percent and he hasnt been banned

I've looked at their games. Your opponent's last games in the tournament were completely outside of realistic expectations, especially for a 700 rated player. I've reported them.


Interesting, I've not managed a 90% accuracy game yet. While in some games I actually managed to make no blunders myself, I'm just missing too many blunders of my opponents.


completely normal. i've also had games with that accuracy


My opponents regularly beat me with more than 90% accuracy. In a recent OTB tournament a 1300 beat me with 95.5% accuracy.


I have been getting 75-85% and my rating is 1375.

DavidMa123 wrote:

no. 90% is not possible for players rated below 1400 to get espacially in a long game(endgame). I mean it is possible if you opponent makes a huge blunder in the opening and u just take their pieces and win in 10 moves then u will get at least usually 90 accuracy. I mean if it reaches the midgame, even 1800 rated players make mistakes and their accuracy lowers to 80-85. A 1800 rated player should aim for 80 or above for their accuracy. WHile 2000 rated players should aim for 85+ accuracy in every game, even super long endgame ones. I am 1800 rated I make mistakes every game if it reaches endgame. Sometimes just one mistake or inaccuracy loses the endgame.

Do not listen to this if you are careful you can get 90% and 80% games at any elo my playing elo is around 1,300 but on I have 600 because when I was younger I pooped my elo. Elo doesnt always determine your skill just remeber that.


sometimes I get 90% accuracy and I’m a 1400.


hey i have been playing with 90 to 95% accurate is it problem or will i get banned as per gotham chess said if you play mre accurate than 94% you will get banned but i played with 94.1% accurate am i in a problem or smthg??? am i cooked ??

Hitomitsukshro wrote:

hey i have been playing with 90 to 95% accurate

In your dreams. Then you woke up.


Yes, 80/85+ is pretty average for a 800/900 elo player.

For example my last 5 games

Even if you play slow games vs 2000+ elo players, you can get over 90 accuracy as a 900 elo player and even get the upper hand:

I would say it's quite normal for 900 elos to get 80% or 90%+ in

DavidMa123 wrote:

90+ accuracy is not even common among 2200 rated players, they often at least get 83 accuracy every game. Their games often last until endgame. I actually once got a 96.6 accuracy with 2 brilliant moves in a ROW against the 2500 Danny bot. I demolished it after a huge checkmate blunder that I sacrificed both rook and QUEEN.

HOW DID YOU EVEN GET A 96.6 ACCURACY?? my highest accuracy in 90.6

Malupip 96%


It's not normal, it's fantastic


I am 2000 rated, and my average accuracy is 90+, is it a bug, will my account get banned🥺