
Can someone review this game ?


I only have 1 free review of the day, can someone see what my accuracy was, if there were any brilliant moves and what level it says I played at, I rarely get a cool checkmate like that, don't think it like my defection move with bishop H5, wanted the queen to take so I could jump my knight for mate, thanks!


Give me 5 bucks and I'll do it


Looks super comfortable. Black botched the attack in the opening and you converted it very well. Seems you were never in trouble. Move 13. Bd3 is supposedly worse than b4. But I couldn't tell you the idea behind that beyond claiming space on the queenside. But either way you stand better in development and had a clear plan of conversion all the way through. Didn't use game review. Used PGN in another site, it said 1 inacuracy 37 average centipawn loss. Other player 4 inacuracies, 2 mistakes, 1 blunder 62 average centipawn loss. Not sure what reviewing this game would tell you, the game was a smooth run, Black never stood better and was worse once Bb4 was played.


Also, that is a lot of blitz games in 5 hours. You played more rated games today than I have this week. Deflection move didn't change the score, it felt you were the equivalent of a queen up due to the strength of your position by that point before the move.

GMegasDoux wrote:

Also, that is a lot of blitz games in 5 hours. You played more rated games today than I have this week. Deflection move didn't change the score, it felt you were the equivalent of a queen up due to the strength of your position by that point before the move.

thanks a lot pal for going to the effort to review and type all that, much appreciated, you are right, I've played way too many blitz games, one thing I notice is that the more you play without stopping, the more your performance level diminishes, suppose that's common sense but it's an addictive game, after slumping to the mid 1300's I've managed to claw my way back up to 1500 blitz, just have to restrict how many I play in one sitting now, maybe playing 5 minutes blitz is the way forward, more time to think and less games, cheers and good luck yourself.


Even long distance drivers take a break every few hours. Haha. Yeah I still need to play more and retain information. Would love to get to 13-1500 range.

RopemakerStreet wrote:

I only have 1 free review of the day, can someone see what my accuracy was, if there were any brilliant moves and what level it says I played at, I rarely get a cool checkmate like that, don't think it like my defection move with bishop H5, wanted the queen to take so I could jump my knight for mate, thanks!

I see 86.3 accuracy to 72.2 accuracy. No moves were considered "Brilliant" from either side, but that is a good checkmate happy.png


thanks for that, appreciated

played this game today, engine didn't like my moves, but in 3 minute chess, you have to go all in on the attack


This game must be 2 players. helps entertain as well as high thinking

Molly-Boone wrote:

This game must be 2 players.

What did you mean by this?


Just had a look at it but your opponent played badly and lost a piece early on. He should probably play 3. ... d5. The engine doesn't like it but it's the most correct move. He developed his knights wrongly, so he couldn't retreat his Bb4 when a3 was played and had to lose his best minor piece. Accuracy doesn't mean too much against bad play.

RopemakerStreet wrote:

I only have 1 free review of the day, can someone see what my accuracy was, if there were any brilliant moves and what level it says I played at, I rarely get a cool checkmate like that, don't think it like my defection move with bishop H5, wanted the queen to take so I could jump my knight for mate, thanks!

Regarding your 21st move Ba5 - hitting the black Queen - what about instead just 21) Ng5 immediately?
You saw that option but didn't like it?
Your white Queen at h6 and your knight at g5 then form a 'battery' which in this case is then threatening Qxh7# checkmate next move. On move 22 in other words.
That particular battery is a very common thing and often is unstoppable.
Say he then moves his f-pawn to f6 or f5 to uncover his Queen to defend at h7 - then you snap off his bishop with Nxe6.
He could also try moving his f-rook instead - from f8 - to create a flight square there for his King - but then you could play Nxh7 instead of Qxh7ch ... with the threat of Nf6# checkmate in one again.
Could he survive that? He is then about as busted as could be - I haven't checked yet to see if there's some kind of oxygen-mask line for him there ...
Or maybe Nxh7 there isn't 'the bestest' ... (yes I like broken English)

You wanted 27. Qd3 not 23. Nxe7
putshort wrote:
You wanted 27. Qd3 not 23. Nxe7

Those moves weren't available.


I would be pleased to analyze your chess move! Strategy games, like chess, are my favourite. I have also been experimenting with colour prediction games lately, such as the 91 Club Open. It can also be enjoyable for you if you enjoy games that need some thought! I'll watch your chess match and let you know what I think shortly.

If you are too poor to buy premium membership, you can analyse games in Lichess for free. It shows no brilliant moves, only innacuracies, mistakes and blunders. But considering move “brilliant” is matter of opinion anyway. Some of brilliant moves given by game review are irrelevant from human point of view.