You just have to not make really bad moves to survive the wayward queen just look at it with an engine, the thing about this opening for white is that it loses all of its momentum quickly and then the queen is out in the open
1000 rated and still losing to noobs who try scholars mate
the queen is a target its not good for white and after d3 you can play na5 you can play na5 right away like you did but the other stuff was pretty bad in that first game
I think you're thinking about this wrong. Just because your opponent plays 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 doesn't mean you should automatically win the game, or that you've failed if you don't figure out how. 2. Qh5 is simply not that bad. I'd say 2. Qh5= (basically, White immediately concedes the advantage and Black is equal -- not winning, not better, equal)
Nakamura played 2. Qh5 in a real tournament game. He lost, but not in the opening,
The number one thing i hate in chess is losing to people who try scholars mate or wayward queen attacks. no, i don't get mated instantly,I have added a few games below so you can see the line I usually take against wayward queen attacks.
Please if you could take a look and perhaps suggest a different opening line I can take compared to this. yes, i know these were bad games and there are some bad blunders in these games but I am looking for something new to try so i can stop losing to these people who think they can try to scholars mate me.
I play this opening in hopes to play Kd4 to attack the queen and threaten a king fork but if they prevent that move i will attack the bishop with my knight instead. i know these people love their queens so in one of these games i went for a queen trade which i blundered and ended up losing a knight.
i believe this is the best response to wayward queen attacks but i always end up losing these games later on and it annoys me very much. perhaps something like Qe7 or qf6 is better than kc6?
I'm sorry man, everybody at 1000 elo would try to scholar mate. It's the basic opening. To counter that is pretty easy too. Go check out the video on that.
I'm about at your level, and I'm pretty sure that if players like us could just avoid horible moves like hanging pieces or walking into a fork, we'd already be about 1400.
But sir, your positions from such openings are great. Is a dream positions as white has missplaced queen, and lose the initiative of having the first move, and black just have solid position. So the opening is never a problem nor it need any changes.
Now what you should actually improve to gain substancial rating (+500 at least)
- You probably know about center control already, though you dont understand it fully yet. You WASTE TIME WITH IRRELEVANT SIDE MOVES
- Vision, just check out hanging pieces for you or your opponent.
- Pawn structures (when to break and how to time it)
- Knowledge of bad and good pieces, (example: fianchetto bishop has a crucial role in protecting your king, and also a powerfull attacher if center blows up with pawn breaks and open lines. This is a long term piece and its effect will be seen later in games). However you have no problem trading it on a knight which has little value at the time when its traded.
It's not just noobs doing the wayward queen. Some of those annoying people have been on here for years just wasting player's time.
And one of the reasons we do it is to upset you. Same with e.p., chess as well as being logical is psychological. If I can get under your skin I'll try to. ;-)
When your opponent plays the scholars mate, they waste time and dont establish their center so try and dominate the center and then come up with an actual game plan i.e: trade the queens and use you dominant position to start an attack on the king. Also try making less flank moves before your king is castled and your postion is fully developed. And also try and kick the queen around whilest developing your pieces.
The number one thing i hate in chess is losing to people who try scholars mate or wayward queen attacks. no, i don't get mated instantly,I have added a few games below so you can see the line I usually take against wayward queen attacks.
Please if you could take a look and perhaps suggest a different opening line I can take compared to this. yes, i know these were bad games and there are some bad blunders in these games but I am looking for something new to try so i can stop losing to these people who think they can try to scholars mate me.
I play this opening in hopes to play Kd4 to attack the queen and threaten a king fork but if they prevent that move i will attack the bishop with my knight instead. i know these people love their queens so in one of these games i went for a queen trade which i blundered and ended up losing a knight.
i believe this is the best response to wayward queen attacks but i always end up losing these games later on and it annoys me very much. perhaps something like Qe7 or qf6 is better than kc6?