I'm a mad scientist, just like Steinitz. I kinda disagree though, but whatever. :)
I'm a mad scientist, just like Steinitz. I kinda disagree though, but whatever. :)
I'm a mad scientist, just like Steinitz. I kinda disagree though, but whatever. :)
Nice! I'm jealous, I'm... a barbarian -_- lol. Yeah, the first time I took it, I was rather half hearted and my result was literally my exact opposite but i did it a second time and it seemed more legit (well, i AM a barbarian even if I don't like it, lol)
Hi, Amethyst,
My personality seems to be a technician. i would not disagree.
and then am compared to Vladmir Kramnik.. too much i say.
thank you.
On 2nd thought, I think that quiz is right. I seem to rather play simple positions than complicated positions. I rather try to simplify for a win than attack for a win. I still disagree with the opening choices. :)
Escape artist like Korchnoi! that was fun - never thought of having a chess personality . In the miniscule amount of games I have played though I do have a higher win percentage playing as black, so kind of makes sense.
A Mastermind like Alexander Alekhine!
The man who took the world title from my idol!
Nice, guys! I'm particulary jealous of all you masterminds and surgeons :p I'm a Barbarian like Hikaru Nakamura
Nice, guys! I'm particulary jealous of all you masterminds and surgeons :p I'm a Barbarian like Hikaru Nakamura
Well, I'm pretty sure Nakamura would eat Alekhine and Lasker alive today so there is that!
I've taken it a few times and sometimes my answers change but I always get Escape Artist.
Fun quiz I found on the web...enjoy :)