
The Year is 20ChessChess


In theĀ Super Smash Bros. MeleeĀ community there is a concept known as '20XX', a meme about a theoretical future in which everybody plays the best character (Fox McCloud), and the winner is decided on port priority (which decides what happens when two characters grab a ledge, an object, or each other at the same exact time, as well as hitstun on throws based purely on which port you plugged your controller into. People play rock-paper-scissors over this.)

Other variations exist on the concept, such as 20GX (Captain Falcon), 20AxeAxe (Pikachu), 20EggsEggs (Yoshi), and even 20666 (fuggin Jigglypuff).

Now I ask you: what will 20ChessChess look like? Here's my prediction:

The year is 20ChessChess, everybody plays the Spanish Morphy. All games end in a draw, and the winner is decided on a coin toss that decides who plays black in the armageddon tiebreaker.

How about your prediction?


>implying they don't play the Najdorf