
i am guessing in PORTUGUESE movie = move :D
speaking of movies though, i saw "There Will Be Blood" last night and it was an amazing piece of filmmaking and acting with a decent enough story.

hey, you know im portuguish! who want a lesson gogon my page and question a word by a message or a note!
play chess=jogue xadres

i am guessing in PORTUGUESE movie = move :D
speaking of movies though, i saw "There Will Be Blood" last night and it was an amazing piece of filmmaking and acting with a decent enough story.
erik, want to learn portuguish,

i am guessing in PORTUGUESE movie = move :D
speaking of movies though, i saw "There Will Be Blood" last night and it was an amazing piece of filmmaking and acting with a decent enough story.
erik, want to learn portuguish,
sorry, i dont completed, go to my page and drop a message! i know much portuguish. im a brazilian!
anyone who post make a movie and, the same people can make 3 movies in a month, start!