
how to learn chess

what is the best opcion to learn chess?

You can get a Coach on here -

Or get a real life coach they can help you improve!

Or if you wanna improve on your own sure.

1. Learn opening principles - where you develop your pieces to the centre of the board.

2. make sure to not left piece hanging. Look if your opponent left piece hanging.

ask your self is it safe to take? Do my opponent have checkmate attacks? And more!

3. Play 15/10 games make sure to use your time there. Don't play it fast like blitz haha. We play rapid to use our time happy.png

4. Play puzzles rush that will improve your calculation, visualisation and more!

5. Analysis the game you lose so you learn more! Yes I mean self analysis not game review.

When analysis the game you lose ask your self why you lose then make a checklist did you lose because you didn't see mate in 1? Did you lose because back rank mate and more!

You can also join discord server and be part of improvement talk where you can ask serious or any questions related to improvement in chess!