Interesting !
Hardest Mate
Yeah, I don't get its remarkableness with K+R. So the king has two squares and you wait for it to occupy the right one so you can mate him. Lame zugzwang.
That would be a case of a mate being hard *for you* as opposed to being objectively hard.
It won't take much practice for K+R v. K to be very very easy for you.
yep , but i assumed it was the hardest because in the game i had a Pawn, King , and Rook vs.King so i had to lose the pawn or stalemat so it was hard to get the mate in that position btw the it was a rook pawn
I think that def the hardest mate possible is mating kasparov in under 20 moves. Lets see it! lol jk. Anyways I do believe king pawn versus king knight knight is pretty much the hardest mate to figure out. Anyone have a diagram?
Hi jrfitzgerald, this is one of the more simple NN vs P ones:
R+B vs R is usually theoretically drawn, but it often occurs (even at GM level) that the R+B side achieves a winning position. However, conversion is still hard, check out the move list for a different line on move 8 or so:
Probably Rook and King vs. Knight and King...But the Bishop, Knight and King vs. King is pretty hard!
... the HARDEST and also UNSOLVED mate you can find here :
... write here at or at the FIRST 8 moves , if you can ...
amiraz: yes, you're right, Q+K vs R+K is a much harder endgame to win, but it doesn't fall under what I call a 'basic' mate - i.e. when the opponent has no material.
I think I could probably work out B+N vs K if I sat and had a think, but Q v R is completely beyond me. How to force the king and rook to the right position at the edge of the board is an incredibly mysterious process.
Just as a point of education for you guys, here is what you should be aiming for: