
Create a new chess piece!


More stupid orca stats:

Chess Notation: O


Jester (notation J, worth 2+the value of the piece that last moved for the opponent), moves in a 4x4 ring AND the last piece the opponent moved (if a knight moves then it can jump, if a pawn moves then it can capture 1 space diagonally, if another jester moves then it also moves like a king and if a king moves it moves like a king AND if a rook is on the same rank as the jester then it can castle no matter what (for the notation every square the jester and rook are apart add 1 “J-“ until the end (except for 1 square between where it’s J-1 (ex. 5 square between jester and rook would be J-J-J-J-J or 2 squares between then it would J-J) )


I am thinking of something I made up, called a cavalry:

This is how it moves:


It can promote.

The Heir: If this piece promoted it will create an extra king that will take the place when the king gets checkmated. It will appear in the kings starting position.
The heir is worth 7
The Chariot: By capturing a piece of its own color, it can “carry” it to a spot of which it’s standing on. It can move like a rook but only 4 up, 4 down etc. Cost: 4

Moves like an Amazon but can only capture other amazons

The elite soldier: The pawn that can move sideways too