41 Brilliant Moves!!
How to avoid scolors mate
Unavoidable... too strong of a tactic. You will be 2000 in no time doing this
Don't trust that guy. He is literally a 1200. He knows how to stop a scholars mate easily. And you will NOT get to 2000 with scholars mate.
both these opponents are really stupid like me i do this all the time but then again iam a100 players not a descent player who would see that three moves ahead --- i don't understand the point of this forum what iam supposed to learn from this ???? please explain your reasoning
How to avoid scolors mate
bruh no way this has nothing to DO with this forum also u suck cus scholars mate is TERRIBLE and u dididnt even stop it correctly.
POV: White to play and draw while 30 points down on material
Result: Viewers’ migraine