1000 Reasons You Lost a Game (Make Stuff Up)
11. Kira wrote the name of your king, because he committed the crime of betraying the queen with the bishop.
12. U were too busy trying to talk to the alians to make them stop The alians invasion, so u Talked for 40 years so they got bored and flew away and everyone got good at Chess except you
14. Mario wants your liver
15. You fall into the backrooms
16. You accidentally pin your queen to you king and you have nowhere to go and you can't get rid of the attacker (Pawns blocking squares, queen too far away, queen not defended, will be Mate in 1)
17. Dinosaurs are not extinct anymore so one eats you and you lose due to time
18. Grubhub man plagues your mind
1. You eat chess.com
2. You type in ches.com and that's a hacker site so you get banned from the internet, so you die forever