15. You're at work playing chess instead of doing your job and your boss is walking by.
100 Reasons why you resigned
19ur playing chess on ur compter and ur friend is deleting chess.com on ur ipad
good reason but i dont think it counts as a reason for resigning i think itcounts for losing
20 ur opponent played 1.h4 ... 2. aa4
23 ur friend and u are chating in a chess game 100 reasons to resign and it turns out there are only 99
27. u kept your queen infront of the knight of a 100 rated palyer and he misses it u felt bad and resigned
26 the bot u wanted to cheat with is a antichess bot
pls a request
this forum is for why u reigned not y u lost
nice reason but the topic is why u resigned
14. someone started abnging the doors of the house while uhave started a game so u resigned so as to not get banned for stalling and went to deal with the person