
When to resign - Etiquette - An honest appeal


A few times here I've stumbled upon non resigning people below 1200 in blitz. Granted, I play mostly 3+2 and increment accumulates if you know how to use it. Not to mention that it's blitz, so swindles and blundering are very much part of the nature of blitz. However...

As an appeal to all of you who never resign lost positions, not even down on time and on the board, please stop that. I know, I know, your opponent has to convert, it's within the rules, you want to see the checkmate pattern they go for to mate you, it's funny to see their blundering. But please, don't. Resign lost positions and play another game. If you can't resist forcing your opponent to convert 2 pieces up in the hopes of swindling (sometimes you will succeed in this) or you want to test if your opponent can mate you R+K vs K or B+K+k vs K, please... at least make it known in the chat, and do it infrequently, the more infrequently, the better.

I've recently blocked one player who forced me to mate him R+K vs K, and in the end I didn't (couldn't care). He got his well fought draw and I got to block him. Don't be that kind of beginner player. Unless you're playing a very important game (it doesn't even have to be rated to be important) and the consensus is that no quarter will be given, don't become the obnoxious non resigner.

Follow good etiquette. Acknowledge you're lost, resign and play your next game. If you ever play chess people OTB in either rapid or classical chess and you routinely don't resign obviously lost positions, your social standing in whatever serious chess scene will take a dive. It's all fun and whatnot in blitz over the internet. Heck, if there is no increment, flagging is part of the game... but please, don't get those attitudes in classical/rapid chess OTB. Learn to resign gracefully and become an upright chess citizen.


Your opponent is entitled to play to the end. There is no etiquette that requires resignation. The reason for resigination is so the 'losing' player can choose not to play out the position, not to help the 'winning' player to victory. I understand that this may be frustrating for some.


i covered entitlement in my message. Playing to the end is your right and you can do it to your own benefit, as much as resigning can also beneficial. However, what is almost universally accepted is that it is not sportsmanlike to play on resignable positions in serious chess. Since I specifically mentioned blitz online, I'm just appealing to people who are likely to play serious chess OTB at some point. I recommend that you don't carry the online blitz attitude to OTB serious chess. That's all.


You could not checkmate a bare king with a rook, and now the whole forum knows about it. Embarrassing grin.png

Incidentally, I think learning how to checkmate with a rook takes less time than writing that long-winded opening post.


I don't know, under 1500 mating with lone rook and definitely not BNN is not a given. I don't think playing on is bad etiquette, so long as they aren't stalling. But you will run into the issue less as you get better. Good luck with your chess!


I don't like it when players refuse to resign, but I also don't think they are doing anything wrong.  Its part of the game you have to put up with.  

And if you want to be honest with yourself, at least part of the reason you want that resignation is because you fear blowing a won position, and that is a terrible feeling.  


Same thing happened to me

Player made me win RK vs K

I didn’t know how to do it
So I learned


 hope the next person does the same thing


Playing to the end is a challenge to your opponent's skill so I can see that can be disrespectful to some. If they are good enough, they will not get swindled in a winning position which includes either time or material advantage.  

Art0fArcane wrote:
wornaki wrote:

A few times here I've stumbled upon non resigning people below 1200 in blitz. Granted, I play mostly 3+2 and increment accumulates if you know how to use it. Not to mention that it's blitz, so swindles and blundering are very much part of the nature of blitz. However...


As an appeal to all of you who never resign lost positions, not even down on time and on the board, please stop that. I know, I know, your opponent has to convert, it's within the rules, you want to see the checkmate pattern they go for to mate you, it's funny to see their blundering. But please, don't. Resign lost positions and play another game. If you can't resist forcing your opponent to convert 2 pieces up in the hopes of swindling (sometimes you will succeed in this) or you want to test if your opponent can mate you R+K vs K or B+K+k vs K, please... at least make it known in the chat, and do it infrequently, the more infrequently, the better.


I've recently blocked one player who forced me to mate him R+K vs K, and in the end I didn't (couldn't care). He got his well fought draw and I got to block him. Don't be that kind of beginner player. Unless you're playing a very important game (it doesn't even have to be rated to be important) and the consensus is that no quarter will be given, don't become the obnoxious non resigner.


Follow good etiquette. Acknowledge you're lost, resign and play your next game. If you ever play chess people OTB in either rapid or classical chess and you routinely don't resign obviously lost positions, your social standing in whatever serious chess scene will take a dive. It's all fun and whatnot in blitz over the internet. Heck, if there is no increment, flagging is part of the game... but please, don't get those attitudes in classical/rapid chess OTB. Learn to resign gracefully and become an upright chess citizen.

how do you draw with K+R vs K?

50 moves or threefold I guess.  


@wornaki, it might be considered bad etiquette on GM level (I'm not even sure if that applies to Blitz), but certainly not generally. Coaches even teach their lower rated students not to resign. Live with it.


I do not resign. WE GOT TO FIGHT UNTIL WE DROP!!!!!!!!!!


See, at the beginner / intermediate level, blunders in winning positions are not rare. The reason why GM's resign lost positions is because basically every GM or titled player should be able to easily convert the advantage. 

OTB, resignations are much more common as flagging is much more difficult as most games are with increment or delay. People do not necessarily need to resign and can play as long as they want. It is their choice whether to play on in a hopeless position or to resign and prepare for the next game.

wornaki wrote:

A few times here I've stumbled upon non resigning people below 1200 in blitz. Granted, I play mostly 3+2 and increment accumulates if you know how to use it. Not to mention that it's blitz, so swindles and blundering are very much part of the nature of blitz. However...


As an appeal to all of you who never resign lost positions, not even down on time and on the board, please stop that. I know, I know, your opponent has to convert, it's within the rules, you want to see the checkmate pattern they go for to mate you, it's funny to see their blundering. But please, don't. Resign lost positions and play another game. If you can't resist forcing your opponent to convert 2 pieces up in the hopes of swindling (sometimes you will succeed in this) or you want to test if your opponent can mate you R+K vs K or B+K+k vs K, please... at least make it known in the chat, and do it infrequently, the more infrequently, the better.


I've recently blocked one player who forced me to mate him R+K vs K, and in the end I didn't (couldn't care). He got his well fought draw and I got to block him. Don't be that kind of beginner player. Unless you're playing a very important game (it doesn't even have to be rated to be important) and the consensus is that no quarter will be given, don't become the obnoxious non resigner.


Follow good etiquette. Acknowledge you're lost, resign and play your next game. If you ever play chess people OTB in either rapid or classical chess and you routinely don't resign obviously lost positions, your social standing in whatever serious chess scene will take a dive. It's all fun and whatnot in blitz over the internet. Heck, if there is no increment, flagging is part of the game... but please, don't get those attitudes in classical/rapid chess OTB. Learn to resign gracefully and become an upright chess citizen.

Maybe, instead of complaining, you should learn to checkmate with a king and rook. It basic stuff. You are the entitled person and he was right in not resigning because he got the draw. You have to win a chess game to win it and the opponent can play on if he wants. I get frustrated when I lose completely winning positions on time, as I always get low on time (yesterday, I had a queen and pawn vs pawn, but I lost on time because before I captured his remaining pawn, I lost on time), but that is still a part of the game. If you reported him for continuing to play, you are the real loser at the end of the day and he couldn't give a care whether you blocked him or not. 


Even GMs will try to flag their opponent if they know they can not win the position.  


As expected, tons of messages about the right to play on, making fun of me for not being able to mate with a lone rook (notice I didn't say I couldn't do it, I said I couldn't care), saying how it's the winning's side responsibility to convert... I think it's all totally misguided. I'm talking about sports etiquette OTB. Go and see how many intermediate players in tourneys OTB drag rook and vs king. You won't see many. Go ahead and play a good class A player in a friendly match he/she so graciously granted you and risk him/her not staying in to analyze with you because you decided it was cool to play on a piece down for no compensation. Heck, press on and do the no resignation routine and get a bad reputation even among people your own level at your local chess club. Go ahead... do it. See the results... Just don't say I didn't warn you appealing to your sense of decency.


In my opinion you sound a little stuck up and entitled writing a post like this. 
You lost a game you should have won because your opponent didn't graciously hand you the victory. Get over it.

Art0fArcane wrote:
FlyingButtress1 wrote:

In my opinion you sound a little stuck up and entitled writing a post like this. 
You lost a game you should have won because your opponent didn't graciously hand you the victory. Get over it.

he drew.

Not sure what arts & crafts has to do with chess?

wornaki wrote:

As expected, tons of messages about the right to play on, making fun of me for not being able to mate with a lone rook (notice I didn't say I couldn't do it, I said I couldn't care), saying how it's the winning's side responsibility to convert... I think it's all totally misguided. I'm talking about sports etiquette OTB. Go and see how many intermediate players in tourneys OTB drag rook and vs king. You won't see many. Go ahead and play a good class A player in a friendly match he/she so graciously granted you and risk him/her not staying in to analyze with you because you decided it was cool to play on a piece down for no compensation. Heck, press on and do the no resignation routine and get a bad reputation even among people your own level at your local chess club. Go ahead... do it. See the results... Just don't say I didn't warn you appealing to your sense of decency.

So basically, you are too lazy to take one minute to finish your opponent off, but you then spend the time it takes to play one game making a rant on the forums. This is online chess, not a tournament, and you are not an intermediate player; you are a beginner. Some beginners have not bothered to learn basic checkmating sequences, so it is obvious that your opponent would try to test whether you would know how to do it or not. And in all honesty, your opponent probably had no idea what he was doing. He was just playing the game casually, whereas you are turning online chess into some huge formal event. 

Art0fArcane wrote:
FlyingButtress1 wrote:
Art0fArcane wrote:
FlyingButtress1 wrote:

In my opinion you sound a little stuck up and entitled writing a post like this. 
You lost a game you should have won because your opponent didn't graciously hand you the victory. Get over it.

he drew.

Not sure what arts & crafts has to do with chess?

its called Stalemate.

X<----You          The Joke ----->X

wornaki wrote:

As expected, tons of messages about the right to play on, making fun of me for not being able to mate with a lone rook (notice I didn't say I couldn't do it, I said I couldn't care), saying how it's the winning's side responsibility to convert... I think it's all totally misguided. I'm talking about sports etiquette OTB. Go and see how many intermediate players in tourneys OTB drag rook and vs king. You won't see many. Go ahead and play a good class A player in a friendly match he/she so graciously granted you and risk him/her not staying in to analyze with you because you decided it was cool to play on a piece down for no compensation. Heck, press on and do the no resignation routine and get a bad reputation even among people your own level at your local chess club. Go ahead... do it. See the results... Just don't say I didn't warn you appealing to your sense of decency.

buddy I promise you it is not that serious.