I'm 385 in blitz but I can beat Gordon Hayward in challenge mode.
What's your chess.com rating and what's the highest rated bot you've beaten?
My chess.com blitz is around 1800 (dropped right now because of tilt!) and I have beaten Francis rated 2300 twice.
I think I'm a high 900 right now down from 1030ish, I lost about 8 games yesterday and my 10 min rapid rating took a beating, lol. I've beaten a 1700 once or twice. Lately 1400 is kicking my behind as I'm in a chess slump (this happens periodically) thus my low rating
The way i look at it ....theres 2 components to being good.....knowing moves....traps....possibilities....threats.....and .......maintaining alertness to actually recognize them. I get in a hurry and struggle with the latter. One game I can play a game that's rated 1500 on performance..... The next game I lose to somebody with a 600 rating because I don't see obvious things
900 elo highest bot beaten is Oscar III crown (2100) I don’t play many real games, should I start? Cuz idk I get stressed and stuff
My rating on chess.com is 1566 and the highest rated bot i have defeated , was the Hikaru-bot ( 2820 )
I'm at about a 1600 rapid and play the bots without a time limit. I feel like flagging them doesn't really count as beating them properly. That said the best bot I've checkmated is 2200. Noam and Ahmed.
The bot blundered a won endgame for some reason.