
Tilted hard today and lost at what to do


I have been making decent progress in 5-minute blitz games until today. I'm around 550 elo and at this level, my opponents seem to recognize any mistake I make while I can never find anything they do wrong. Usually, the game is pretty close until I make one bad move that destroys the entire game for me. It feels like I have no idea how to gain an advantage, especially as black. My black win rate is very very low compared to white. I do puzzles, but it doesn't translate to recognizing anything in game. Also, I seem to hand my opponents free checkmates and I can never realize the danger I am in. It feels like I am never given these chances at a free mate or at least I am too dumb to see them. I'm sure it's just one of those days but I am at a loss on what to do.

Here's an example game where I get destroyed:

I would play more. I was tilted 150 in blitz. Still are not back

Improve your understanding of common middle-game plans in your chosen openings. Knowing these plans can help you find good moves even if you don't remember the exact opening lines.

From one beginner to another. I recommend longer game times like 15/10 rapid. Gives you more time to sit and think on a position, looking for their mistakes and your own. And don’t play too many games, especially if you get tilted. I do max 3 a day. Puzzles felt that way for me too at first. But with time and repetition the patterns become more recognizable in game. I do like 30 a day and they have improved me big time. I also watch a lot of rating climb videos which inform the big picture of a certain strategy, helping with my middle game plans. I really like chess vibes, and Gotham on YouTube for that. I also like to practice drills for the endgame which has won me many drawish games

You need to get a grip on blundering before you can get anywhere. Like when you took his knight on e5 that was:

Lack of awareness of tactical themes

no sense of danger

no attempt to anticipate the opponent’s response / playing your own moves in a vacuum

On the plus side you only really made one mistake (yes there were more but we’d be nitpicking)

So you have to focus on board awareness and blunder checking etc etc


Bruh/ I lost 500 points once because i kept doing some dumb openings to see what the opponents would do.
If you're really 550, you'll get back up there. If not, you were overrated.

babsterbab wrote:

I have been making decent progress in 5-minute blitz games until today. I'm around 550 elo and at this level, my opponents seem to recognize any mistake I make while I can never find anything they do wrong. Usually, the game is pretty close until I make one bad move that destroys the entire game for me. It feels like I have no idea how to gain an advantage, especially as black. My black win rate is very very low compared to white. I do puzzles, but it doesn't translate to recognizing anything in game. Also, I seem to hand my opponents free checkmates and I can never realize the danger I am in. It feels like I am never given these chances at a free mate or at least I am too dumb to see them. I'm sure it's just one of those days but I am at a loss on what to do.

Here's an example game where I get destroyed:

Just recover learn something from the tilt or take a break I tilt almost every other day lol

Khnemu_Nehep wrote:

Bruh/ I lost 500 points once because i kept doing some dumb openings to see what the opponents would do.
If you're really 550, you'll get back up there. If not, you were overrated.

Good your learning !

babsterbab wrote:

I have been making decent progress in 5-minute blitz games until today. I'm around 550 elo and at this level, my opponents seem to recognize any mistake I make while I can never find anything they do wrong. Usually, the game is pretty close until I make one bad move that destroys the entire game for me. It feels like I have no idea how to gain an advantage, especially as black. My black win rate is very very low compared to white. I do puzzles, but it doesn't translate to recognizing anything in game. Also, I seem to hand my opponents free checkmates and I can never realize the danger I am in. It feels like I am never given these chances at a free mate or at least I am too dumb to see them. I'm sure it's just one of those days but I am at a loss on what to do.

Here's an example game where I get destroyed:

The puzzles do translate even if you don't think so continue to do some everyone and a while I acasionaly get some cool puzzle rush checkmates in my games

Just forcus on tactical awareness, ,blunders,anticipating your opponents response is arguably one of the more important skills an underrated skill is being able to fight back from a losing position like being able to swindle your opponent down a knight so trying new things is important that is how you learn lol

But basically try to do what the cm is recommending lol


Looked at the games you lost recently, agree with everything that's already been said, adding a couple specifics: castle sooner and don't allow your queen to be pinned to your king. You tend to charge in for an attack that doesn't amount to much because you haven't fully developed your defense and your king is still exposed; and twice you missed the fact that your queen was lined up with your king and lost her.

Your problem isn't being dumb, playing as black vs white, or not seeing your opponents mistakes; you're just not seeing your own blind spots - the mistakes you're making yourself. Blitz and bullet rely on pattern recognition, which requires training and repetition; if you haven't built up the pattern recognition already, you can't expect yourself see what you're missing. Play longer time controls and force yourself to slow down. Take time to really examine each position before making a move. Just like learning a foreign language or an instrument, you have to think it out slowly again and again before it becomes automatic.

Puzzles definitely help with that training, but take your time with them, too. Don't just guess - think out the moves in advance (what will they do after you make this move, what would your reply be, etc.) and analyze the puzzles you miss until you understand why the solution makes sense. You're definitely not too dumb, you just have to give yourself more time to truly look at each position and consider how your opponent will respond.


Hey there!

I feel that the coaches at ChessMood would suit your needs and help you bounce back from the tilt and improve your rating heavily. In case you didn't know, ChessMood is a great resource for players at all levels of chess learning. They have many free videos, articles, and challenges that break down chess concepts and overall strategies in an easy-to-understand way. Plus, their community is super supportive of learning players, so you can get tips and advice from others using this wonderful platform! Give it a try and you'll see the immense progress you'll make through this! Have fun!

Link to ChessMood:

Good Luck, 

HonoringStar40 wrote:

Hey there!

I feel that the coaches at ChessMood would suit your needs and help you bounce back from the tilt and improve your rating heavily. In case you didn't know, ChessMood is a great resource for players at all levels of chess learning. They have many free videos, articles, and challenges that break down chess concepts and overall strategies in an easy-to-understand way. Plus, their community is super supportive of learning players, so you can get tips and advice from others using this wonderful platform! Give it a try and you'll see the immense progress you'll make through this! Have fun!

Link to ChessMood:

Good Luck, 

Yea I agree. ChessMood works out for me too perfectly.

Trokly34 wrote:
HonoringStar40 wrote:

Hey there!

I feel that the coaches at ChessMood would suit your needs and help you bounce back from the tilt and improve your rating heavily. In case you didn't know, ChessMood is a great resource for players at all levels of chess learning. They have many free videos, articles, and challenges that break down chess concepts and overall strategies in an easy-to-understand way. Plus, their community is super supportive of learning players, so you can get tips and advice from others using this wonderful platform! Give it a try and you'll see the immense progress you'll make through this! Have fun!

Link to ChessMood:

Good Luck, 

Yea I agree. ChessMood works out for me too perfectly.

If you struggle with the fundamentals chessmood might be better but if you don't struggle with that you can learn chess on your own or with a coach

(I chose on my own )

Become a GM.