
Stuck at 300 elo for weeks now....


while im getting elo i improve along the way, i play games everyday and after playing some games i watch ed vids, practice middlegame ideas, and much more. Its just because while im trying to improve. When i play games. my elo always stays the same before countless of how much im trying to improve. So thats why i need some tips so i can improve and gain more elo. After a few games i improve by doing puzzles and more

Ok, first of all I’ve only been playing for 2 months, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I looked at your last game (against Sanecraft42), and your biggest problem is definitely time management. Most people struggle because they run out of time, but you are just giving yourself no time in critical positions. How on earth you had 21 minutes at the end of a 15 minute game is beyond me.

Your opening was good, I don’t really see any issues, and you can often play faster in the opening because they are just principled moves. By move 18, you had a very good position, over 16 minutes on the clock, and some very good developing moves available (such as 18. Rd1, attacking the queen and seizing an open file. Alternatively, you could make a luft for your king to kill any chances of a backrank mate). However, you spent a grand total of 7 seconds sacrificing your Queen with 18.Qe8+ going for backrank mate, failing to calculate that after 18…Rxe8 19.Rxe8, your opponent can just play Rf8, and now you are down a queen. There is nothing wrong with mistakes, that’s how you learn, but you should spend more time in critical positions analysing ahead (especially with sacrifices). I reckon if you’d spent 30 seconds rather than 7, you would have seen your miscalculation.

TL;DR: Please take some time to think over your moves unless it is obvious or you have already calculated the line beforehand. At this speed you are basically playing a blitz game, rather than 15+10.

Sorry, I didn’t see the hanging bishop. 18. Bg3 would have been a good move.

Oh ok, i should spend more time on calculating my moves first before moving. I will try that in a game. Lets see how it goes, thanks for the help!


Omg bro, thank you so much, my last game. I spent more time thinking, and i found my opponents blunders and i got better calculation while playing


Thanks a lot!

It’s alright :)

I really liked how you punished your opponents early queen moves, this is callled tempo because for every move you make that attacks the queen (or any other piece really), your opponent has to waste a move to save it. This is especially good in the opening, because it puts you ahead in development (on top of your first move advantage as white). Also, at our level if you attack enough, the opponent tends to just make some ridiculous blunder, and that’s what happened in the game, when he lost the queen to your bishop. I also like that you left your knight hanging at the end, tricking your opponent into taking it and hanging mate. You could have gone on the attack sooner, but this was much better than your last game.

I think you are better at the game than your rating, it’s just you have not been thinking during your games. I hope you climb very high one day 👍.

Thank you man happy.png, I have gotten way better i climbed from 280 to 370 in 2 days because of all of you guys, Thanks for the support happy.png