
Still losing to Martin!

You always see posts of people picking on Martin… but I still lose to him. WTF am I doing wrong?

Hi! My name is Lauren Goodkind and I’m a respected  chess coach and chess YouTuber based in California:


Sorry to hear that you keep on losing to Martin.  

Here’s some ideas to help you get better.  

-Also consider all checks and captures on your side and also your opponent’s side. Always as, “If I move here, where is my opponent going to move?”. Do this for every single move!  

-Play with a slow time control, such as G/30 so you have plenty of time to think before every move. 

I also offer 500 two-choice puzzles on my website:

-Send me one of your games against Martin and I'll be happy to analyze your game on my YouTube channel for free!  

I hope that this helps.


Did you name the correct bot because the bot you named just hangs pieces all over the place.  Just push the king and queen pawns up two squares then look to capture, pin, fork and skewer. Also you probably want to castle quickly just to develop your pieces.

Let me first caveat my post. Yes I mean Martin. I have beat him, but not everytime. I play him for a moral boost thinking it will be easy and I feel I have a strong play against him, but then lose suddenly.

Lauren, I will check out your youtube channel and site for puzzles though I’ve done 15K puzzles on here and they don’t seem to help maybe yours with choices and explanation? hopefully will help.

Here is a game I just lost to him. I couldn’t seem to get him into a mate and lost my pieces along way. I’m playing white.

e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bc4 d5 5. exd5
Nb4 6. O-0 b6 7. a3 Na6 8. Nxe5 Bg4 9. Qxg4 c6 10.
Qg5 Bc5 11. Qxg7 Qc7 12. Qxh8+ Ng8 13. Qxg8+ Bf8
14. d6 Nb8 15. Qxf7+ Qxf7 16. Bxf7+ Kd8 17. d4 Be7
18. dxe7+ Kxe7 19. Bg5+ Kf8 20. Bh6+ Ke7 21. d5 a6
22. dxc6 b5 23. Nd5+ Kd6 24. Bf8+ Kxe5 25. Bg7+
Kf5 26. Ne3+ Ke4 27. Bd5+ Kf4 28. Bh6+ Ke5 29.
Ng4+ Kxd5 30. C7 Nd7 31. Rad1+ Kc5 32. Rxd7 b4
33. Rfd1 a5 34. axb4+ axb4 35. R1d5+ Kb6 36. Be3+
Kb7 37. Rb5+ Kc6 38. Ne5+ Kxb5 39. c4+ Ka6 40. c5
Kb5 41. Rd8 Ra1+ 42. Bc1 Rxc1+ 43. Rd1 Rxd1#

1) e4 e5

ljudi izgubila sam od martinaaa



Here's the provided game.


I get the feeling that you are just playing the first move you see. What time limit are you playing?






Hi! My name is Lauren Goodkind and I’m a respected  chess coach and chess YouTuber who helps beginners out :


Send me one of your games and I'll be happy to analyze the game for free on my YouTube channel on Sunday livestream from 1-2PM PST.  Ask me questions in real time!  


 This is a great way to improve!


Here’s more  ideas to help you get better.  


-Consider all checks and captures on your side and also your opponent’s side. Always as, “If I move here, where is my opponent going to move?”. Do this for every single move!  

-Ask, "If I move here, is it safe?"



If you do this, you shouldn't be losing to Martin!  


You seem to be blundering not looking what prices Martin will take and if you just take some more time it will be very easy for you to win

Martin blundered his queen

Learn and apply the most important principles of chess.
Always blunder-check your moves.
Solve tactics in the right way.
Analyze your games.
Study games of strong players.
Learn how to be more psychologically resilient.
Work on your time management skills.
Get a coach if you can.