Il vaticano move
I recently saw a video on youtube of this special bishop move called "il vaticano". I tried to do it on the analysis board and it won't let me, is it a fake move or is it actually possible? thank you.
Il vaticano is a fake chess move invented by the AnarchyChess subreddit
Edit: for those who don't know, AnarchyChess is a place for chess memes.
I recently saw a video on youtube of this special bishop move called "il vaticano". I tried to do it on the analysis board and it won't let me, is it a fake move or is it actually possible? thank you.
Il vaticano is a fake chess move invented by the AnarchyChess subreddit
Edit: for those who don't know, AnarchyChess is a place for chess memes.
ahhh gotchu thanks
Kb7 is still possible?
Or is it still check from those super special bishops?
en passant takes
Lmao, did you really think it was a real move? Lmaoooo
the ones who disliked are the salty ones ahhahha
Kb7 is still possible?
Or is it still check from those super special bishops?
en passant takes
Probably "en passant" has a special meaning in anarchychess too, and your comment makes no sense without it.
Kb7 is still possible?
Or is it still check from those super special bishops?
en passant takes
Probably "en passant" has a special meaning in anarchychess too, and your comment makes no sense without it.
it doesn't have a special meaning it can just be used more freely, we are not trapped by your restrictive rules
I recently saw a video on youtube of this special bishop move called "il vaticano". I tried to do it on the analysis board and it won't let me, is it a fake move or is it actually possible? thank you.
Il vaticano is a fake chess move invented by the AnarchyChess subreddit
Edit: for those who don't know, AnarchyChess is a place for chess memes.
[abuse removed; DS]
Probably "en passant" has a special meaning in anarchychess too, and your comment makes no sense without it.
The solution I found on Reddit: The pawn takes c7xb8.
So yes, a second special move.
I recently saw a video on youtube of this special bishop move called "il vaticano". I tried to do it on the analysis board and it won't let me, is it a fake move or is it actually possible? thank you.