
If you are rated 100-1000 in rapid or blitz please read this

If you are rated 100 to 1000 in rapid or blitz then i reccomend reading this. Play ten games a day, no more, no less and try and win half of them. Study properly. Don't convince yourself that you are studying when you are not. Download an app like chess endgame training or just type in Google chess endgame training and it will come up with another app. Thank you❤. Merry Christmas everyone!

Ur pretty good for an 800 in rapid

Could you elaborate on your reason for that suggestion?

I am 870 in rapid and i have done this and actually won a lot more games because i am practising on a daily basis and my brain knows i will do ten games so i can prepare


I really like the four move checkmate, some rookies really fall for it


The four move checkmate, a.k.a the scholars mate, probably works best below 400 elo. Any higher than that, and players will avoid it with ease.

Playing and reviewing the games are worth more than just playing. It’s also not the number of games you play but the quality. Binge blitz games daily is going to be very slow improvement. I do like your suggestion of working on endgames- it’s often forgotten about but many of the concepts and principles learned there transfer to other areas of the game and if you become proficient in the endgame, an area many don’t study as much, you’ll find yourself outperforming your peers regularly.

can you send the link to the app