
I suck at xhess plz help


Is there any body who can help me get beter in chess right now I can't get past 200 elo it's so annoying 



Study games of strong players to understand strategic ideas and plans.

Review your games, especially losses. Identify mistakes and missed opportunities.


There are many videos from strong players that teach beginner concepts and show how to win chess games.

Here is one example:

Here is a video with tips to break past 600 rating


Hi my name is David, I am a chess coach and I will give you some free lessons to get you a rating of 1400. Send me a message to my user if you are interested


A tip for beginners


Thanx yall


no one is born a master


Im just 14 years old,from Philippines....i want to play with beginners hope you/all interested



You should analyze your games and try to identify missed opportunities and mistakes

Exact same thing I gave someone else (with a few changes, ignore things directed to them, ):


It's nice to see that after 50 years you wanted to play again happy.png. But of course, it's not easy to start playing chess again!

If you started to play with bots, try the intermediate ones first (~1200) and if they are hard try doing adaptive intermediate and if THEY are challenging do some easy ones.

So about puzzles: since you have a platimum membership, you can do infinte puzzles! Do some, and if they feel hard, do the custom ones. Or even just anytime if you wanna practice a certain tactic use the custom ones! Then, once you get some friends, puzzle battle against them and get better! Puzzle rush I recommend doing 5 minutes but actually survival is better since there's no time pressure.

Playing: AVOID BULLET, at least for your level. Bullet is just:
"Oh! I see a move that doesn't lose a piece"

"I'll move it."

So under time pressure it isn't that good. Start off with 15|10 and if it feels too slow (it shouldn't) do 10|0. But if you're in a mood for something livley, do 5|5, 5|0, or 3|2 blitz. you'll lose a lot but you will still learn from your mistakes. Enter tourneys when you feel like it.

I'll accept any friend requests.

Oh and, you're welcome! (for the tides, the grass, and the sky)

chesstimetravaling wrote:

Exact same thing I gave someone else (with a few changes, ignore things directed to them, ):


It's nice to see that after 50 years you wanted to play again . But of course, it's not easy to start playing chess again!

If you started to play with bots, try the intermediate ones first (~1200) and if they are hard try doing adaptive intermediate and if THEY are challenging do some easy ones.

So about puzzles: since you have a platimum membership, you can do infinte puzzles! Do some, and if they feel hard, do the custom ones. Or even just anytime if you wanna practice a certain tactic use the custom ones! Then, once you get some friends, puzzle battle against them and get better! Puzzle rush I recommend doing 5 minutes but actually survival is better since there's no time pressure.

Playing: AVOID BULLET, at least for your level. Bullet is just:
"Oh! I see a move that doesn't lose a piece"

"I'll move it."

So under time pressure it isn't that good. Start off with 15|10 and if it feels too slow (it shouldn't) do 10|0. But if you're in a mood for something livley, do 5|5, 5|0, or 3|2 blitz. you'll lose a lot but you will still learn from your mistakes. Enter tourneys when you feel like it.

I'll accept any friend requests.

Oh and, you're welcome! (for the tides, the grass, and the sky)

THanks so much


Hi guys on your point of view I wanted to know if u guys think this is a gg and if not I'm open to ideas to improve .also if u guys are below500 elo and want to play I'm all in



Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond.....

Joeline2009 wrote:

Hi guys on your point of view I wanted to know if u guys think this is a gg and if not I'm open to ideas to improve .also if u guys are below500 elo and want to play I'm all in

i thought it was a joke💀

Amaira_123 wrote:
Joeline2009 wrote:

Hi guys on your point of view I wanted to know if u guys think this is a gg and if not I'm open to ideas to improve .also if u guys are below500 elo and want to play I'm all in

i thought it was a joke💀




You know what to do after black's 2. - f6, that's good. But there are still too many blunders. Your 37. Bg2+ (???) is the worst move in chess history, allowing your opponent to mate you in 1 move. He didn't notice it, of course.