
How to improve in Over the Board Chess


I am a 580 on rapid, and i feel i am slowly improving my chess, so i decided to challenge a close friend for a game of chess over the board. The friend has been playing has chess for a long time (he is not on though) and actually goes in competitions. But i blunder a lot whenever we play our chess games (usually once a week), and many of those blunders i am sure i would never have done if playing on even my friend says i have the right ideas but i just blunder absolutely foolishly. Even today i hung an easy mate in 1. How do i improve my overall board vision and concentration in Over the Board chess I am fine online but OTB it feels like i have gone blind.


My guess is that you simply have more practice looking at a 2D board, and if you play more OTB, your board vision there will soon catch up. If you can't practice with real pieces, maybe switching to a 3D piece style may be worth a try to get some experience that way.


Going through mastergames or doing other studying or puzzles that you set up on a real board might help at least with getting used to the way a real chess set looks.

I play OTB and like classical games the most so one thing to also keep in mind is to not move as fast as you would online. You often have 90 minutes and 30 second increment or something along those lines in those games.

My actual FIDE standard rating and the Finnish National one are both higher than my ratings so to me OTB, at least with longer time controls, seems to be a strong point.


Hey there.

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