
How to Improve at Chess ($25/hr)


I can help you improve your chess understanding.

I have worked as a chess coach since November of 2021.

I work with people through Skype where I put words into my students games/moves explaining the ideas behind each move.

As we do this you see how I explain the game and assimilate my understanding. Eventually you will explain the game of chess like me. This will help you improve your rating possibly even by 500 points. think about it, if your rated 1000 or 1200, anything under 2000 rating is attainable.

I present you with some case studies which you can follow, together with insights and recommendations on to literature, videos, tools and resources, etcetera.

You can contact me any day of the week, I work Monday through Sunday.

FM Charles Galofre

[email protected]



What time can I whatsapp call you? IO Nagy Laszlo

Whatsapp: +36-30-230-1914

What if the session is like, 59 minutes?