
How to beat the Antonio bot

I have beaten all previos bots on 3 stars but am stuck on this bot any ideas for help

Hi! I'm a chess coach based in California.  To help beginners out,  I made some videos on how to beat Antonio bot: I hope that this helps you:

Here you go.

[Site " iPhone"]
[Date "07/16/2021 04:03PM"]
[FEN rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1]
[White "BroiledRat"]
[Black "Antonio"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1445"]
[BlackElo "1500"]
[Termination "BroiledRat wins by Checkmate"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 b6 4.Nf3 Bb7 5.Bf4 Qf6 6.e3 Qe7 7.Bd3 Nc6 8.O-O dxc4 9.Bxc4 O-O-O 10.a3 h6 11.Qe2 Na5 12.Ba6 Bxa6 13.Qxa6+ Kb8 14.Nb5 Nc6 15.Ne5 Nxe5 16.Bxe5 Rd6 17.Qxa7+ Kc8 18.Bxd6 cxd6 19.Rac1+ Kd8 20.Qb8+ Kd7 21.Rc7# {1-0}

I have no idea how to display this properly, but you can simply set it up in an analysis board.

Antonio isn’t so tough it seems.

Hope this helps. :)








From my experience with Antonio you don't need to do anything special. Develop your pieces normally to active squares. Make sure everything is protected (within reason). At some point Antonio will make a pretty big blunder. Then you take the extra material. Trade down to an end game. And then you win happy.png


Great place to learn


I decided to go against Antonio just to see if I could beat him, my opening was kings pawn e4 and then kings knight to f3, I kept a defense to prevent attacks keeping a solid piece count to keep the queen at bay, since his queen has fighting my defense his side was without guard, I used a knight to check his king letting me knock a rook, using this advantage I had I then decided to trade queens once he began an attack after going past my defense, not only did I stop an attack but his queen which he likes to use although not as much as Nelson was gone, I fought him making trades until end game where I had one knight and a few pawns, he had only pawns so I killed them, promoted my own, and checkmated him.





Q tal


Trade everything and go for the endgame. Works for any bot up until 1700.

Even bongcloud will do:




I got a bit hung up on Seth, but then was able to beat him 3 times in a row, and continued working my way up thru the bots but Antonio has beaten me 3 times to 0.  I think these bots share a tendency towards more careful play which exploits my weakness.

djconnel wrote:

I got a bit hung up on Seth, but then was able to beat him 3 times in a row, and continued working my way up thru the bots but Antonio has beaten me 3 times to 0.  I think these bots share a tendency towards more careful play which exploits my weakness.

Antonio usually plays solidly and has good tactical knowledge, but sooner or later you'll find Antonio at the state of making horrible one move blunders here and there as shown by my game above since he is quite inconsistent with his quality of play. Wait for that opportunity and you'll beat him easily. 


Personally, I prefer to use the Muzio gambit; I do not always win, but it always makes for exciting games. The following is an example in which I used the Double Muzio:



Check out this video on how to beat Antonio.  I hope that this helps:


The Antonio Bot. Without any help I lose against him except for one time. One time I won against him in less than 20 moves. It was crazy. I dont know how I managed to do that but I guess all moves were just perfect. I managed to leave the game without saving it so I sadly cannot analyze it. But all in all I can say, Antonio is showing me my current limits :-) he plays really good, very solid.


Im stuck too i dont know how to beat him sad.png



I used to beat Antonio very easily, but now I really struggle

Have I really gotten worse, or has this program been made stronger ?


I have beaten the bot above but can't beat Antonio, he just plays so safe unless you blunder on the opening, in that case he starts pressuring and you don't get back. I have just won him once and lost like 10 times, i think his style counters mine a lot.