
Help beating Nelson (computer)

Is there a known strategy for beating Nelson? Perhaps a type of drill I should become familiar with? After defending against his initial queen bishop combination I feel like I’m never able to take control of the game

Can you post a game? I'm not sure there is a particular strategy other than just playing good chess. I don't normally play the bots so I don't know if they always play a similar way, but in the interests of research in assisting you I just played 'Nelson' and 'he' brought the queen out early and fannied about with it. If this is always the case there should be ways for you to both develop and harass the queen, allowing you to take a big lead in development.



Idk if it helps but I just played one game against it. my comment is; he is missing some basic tactics and middle - end game concepts. if you are losing against nelson you should improve them.


I just beat Nelson and the drill on developing pieces was helpful. If you don’t develop well, his aggressive attacks will shred you.

thx after like this one move i had to go roge but still won thx that was helpful


Yeah, Nelson struggles with the Endgame, and sometimes unexpectedly keeps his Queen hanging. In the beginning when you start with a King's Pawn opening Nelson can attack pretty well. If you develop your pieces efficiently then it is very hard for Nelson to win. If you trade Queens in the beginning then it will really help you because Nelson basically only develops his Queen in the opening. Hope this helps!  


If you are playing white, play the London system. Castle quickly. Develop quickly.  You may need to work on some fancy pawn pushing at the end. Nelson develops slowly and is susceptible to pins and skewers (expect a queen and king skewer over 30% of the time). Nelson also doesn't do well defending its pawns. It wants to use a bishop and or knight attack with the help of the queen. Taking out the knights and bishops quickly puts Nelson on the defense.

Nelson is really active at the beginning with his queen so develop and defend your pieces. London worked well for me.

Thanks this was helpful


Nelson plays like an idiot for a short time but he is very aware of your threats.  The best way to beat him is to let him run his Q around wasting time while you build up.   He will drop a lot of pawns from carelessness and will ensure a lost endgame if you trade the pieces evenly.  He also fails some tactical attacks but he is smarter than his level about those -- things no 1300 human would see, he catches.  

Strong opening, and then get aggressive. Make even trades.

Nelson will bring out his king and attack the king at all it takes. My advice is to defend the king and try to force a queen trade, since Nelson's position breaks down when he gets his queen traded, because he used a lot of moves to move around his queen, looking for a weakness.

I tried a few more, here is a pretty and short one.  The pattern I see, apart from the suicidal queen strategy, is that he drops pieces like mad if you frustrate his attack lines.  He also has very low depth, so longer combinations / mating nets are beyond him.  Here, for example, he sees the pawn fork and thinks it is good because he can't analyze that it drops the rook and opens a mate net.  Nelson is fun for high speed play for me, but he is pathetic (at my level, and as expected) if I take my time. 

What I don't get is why he missed Qxe4



Hi, the strategy I used to beat nelson is when he brings his queen out early try to get a fork out of his king and rook!


Thats Really good!! She should be proud of herself! 


Gotham posted a video perfect for this yesterday.


Helpful tip: copying his moves does NOT work.



Nelson blunders a queen early on, becomes tilted and loses all of his pieces. He ends up getting checkmated in spectacular fashion. Credit to Aman Hambleton for doing this first in a video, which inspired me to do it.

Sammy_Thechessboy wrote:

Nelson will bring out his king and attack the king at all it takes. My advice is to defend the king and try to force a queen trade, since Nelson's position breaks down when he gets his queen traded, because he used a lot of moves to move around his queen, looking for a weakness.


If you can trade queens favorably with Nelson early in the game, you're almost certain to win. For more "proof", this rather blunderful game of mine against it.


wornaki wrote:
Sammy_Thechessboy wrote:

Nelson will bring out his king and attack the king at all it takes. My advice is to defend the king and try to force a queen trade, since Nelson's position breaks down when he gets his queen traded, because he used a lot of moves to move around his queen, looking for a weakness.


If you can trade queens favorably with Nelson early in the game, you're almost certain to win. For more "proof", this rather blunderful game of mine against it.


I also have more proof, as I played this game below: