Good books to start?
Hi there,
My System, by Aron Nimzowitsch is a great book.
If you like video content, I can suggest mine.
I am rated over 2400 online ( I created a free course that will teach you a training plan to improve. Feel free to check it out:
@holyrommie -
You might enjoy "Pandolfini's Ultimate Guide To Chess"'s commented on here...
Good Chess Books for Beginners and Beyond...
Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond
For decades, I have recommended Chernev’s book, Practical Chess Endings. It has one ending per page, and is arranged so that the endings increase in complexity. It is not interactive, but it is close.
i have told students that this book helped me win more games than any other.
You will want to focus on tactics and checkmates mostly, that is how you will win games as a beginner.
Feel free to message if you need any advice or tips.
"Mein Kampf" explains the middlegame principles in a nice clear manner.
Omg bro get out of here
For a beginner, The Wisest Things Ever Said About Chess by Andrew Soltis is definitely my favorite general chess book, with advice, rules of thumbs, and example for every part of the game. Very easy and fun to read and re-read.
The correct answer though is any book of puzzles. Honestly hard to argue against immersing yourself purely in puzzles until you actually hit a persistent mid 1000s plateu.
Any book by Jeremy Silman is instantly good for beginners and amateurs alike. He's for sure my favorite chess author.
I you can read Swedish then Alex Smith's "Rolf Martens - Chess Genius - Maoist - Rebel" is a great inspirational book on one of the most creative souls in chess.
Simple Chess: A great explanation of strategy, making it very easy to understand. You have it on YT as well:
Zurich International Chess Tournament, 1953 (Dover Chess) Paperback – July 1, 1979
by David Bronstein (Author)
When I read "Atlas Shrugged," I gained a new skill in Chess. Ayn Rand predicted society with many of her books, including 1984.
I really like learning chess by reading books. I first started to learn chess by just playing and reading "Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess" are there any other books like that, which use the interactive learning method. Couldn't find anything online. Other principles to learn will be greatly appreciated too. Bear in mind I have played chess only for 2 weeks.