
Finally reached 1200 blitz. Need help to get to 1400


Finally hit 1200. It took me about a couple of months to go from 1000 to 1200. Now how do I improve to 1400? What should my daily chess routine be like?


"... In order to maximize the benefits of [theory and practice], these two should be approached in a balanced manner. ... Play as many slow games (60 5 or preferably slower) as possible, ... The other side of improvement is theory. ... This can be reading books, taking lessons, watching videos, doing problems on software, etc. ..." - NM Dan Heisman (2002)


"... Sure, fast games are fine for practicing openings (not the most important part of the game for most players) and possibly developing decent board vision and tactical 'shots', but the kind of thinking it takes to plan, evaluate, play long endgames, and find deep combinations is just not possible in quick chess. … for serious improvement ... consistently play many slow games to practice good thinking habits. ... I know that a large percentage of my readers almost exclusively play on the internet - after all, you are reading this on the internet, right!? But there is a strong case for at least augmenting internet play with some OTB play, whether in a club or, better yet, a tournament. ... I would guess that players who have never played OTB usually gain 50-100 points of playing strength just from competing in their first long weekend tournament, assuming they play five or more rounds of very slow chess. ... Don't have two day? Try a one-day quad (a round-robin among four similarly rated players). … about 100 slow games a year is a reasonable foundation for ongoing improvement. ... Can't make 100? Then try for 60. If you only play three or fewer tournaments a year and do not play slow chess regularly at a club (or on-line, where G/90 and slower play is relatively rare), then do not be surprised that you are not really improving. ..." - NM Dan Heisman (2002)


I would advise you QUIT playing blitz right now, and switch to rapid time control. I now use rapid (15+10) for my serious games, and my chess got a lot better since I switched over. I'll still play blitz from time to time, but usually 10 minute control and I use blitz just for quick practice.

You will improve faster playing longer time controls, because it forces you to take your time to find the best move you can discover, not the quickest probably decent move.

Chessnetwork in youtube

Do you own any chess books?  Playing through games on an actual chess board and reading the notes helps.  You cant go wrong with IM Jeremy Silman.  Good luck.


Amateur's Mind by Jeremy Silman


Here are some reading possibilities that I often mention:
Simple Attacking Plans by Fred Wilson (2012)
Logical Chess: Move by Move by Irving Chernev (1957)
The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played by Irving Chernev (1965)
Winning Chess by Irving Chernev and Fred Reinfeld (1948)
Back to Basics: Tactics by Dan Heisman (2007)
Discovering Chess Openings by GM John Emms (2006)
Openings for Amateurs by Pete Tamburro (2014)
Chess Endgames for Kids by Karsten Müller (2015)
A Guide to Chess Improvement by Dan Heisman (2010)
Studying Chess Made Easy by Andrew Soltis (2009)
Seirawan stuff:


If you just keep playing blitz you'll improve your blitz. Try 15'10 to improve your chess. Don't worry about openings, middlegame etc.  just yet, you ONLY have to play.


Agree 100%. Player slower time controls and all your play will improve.

hell yeah bro

So I see a constant of trying slower time controls. The problem with that, is I just don't have time like that. On break I can play a 20 minute game at most. 

CoffeeAnd420 wrote:
RetiOrNot92 wrote:

So I see a constant of trying slower time controls. The problem with that, is I just don't have time like that. On break I can play a 20 minute game at most. 


There's no resolving this problem other than to basically clear your schedule. You *have* to play, analyze, and study long games extensively and often to improve. You can't just play blitz and keep getting better. At a certain point, you plateau and have to sit down and really learn the game. Which will probably be harder for you now since your brain is so hardwired for blitz already. 

Ok what I'll do is, when I start to plateau, I'll switch to Rapid. But the truth is I find that almost none of my games actually reach time. Like I feel I have plenty of time unless there's a long middle game and long end game, but I do have the problem of playing too fast sometimes, so maybe that's why. 


Another way of looking at it is to say, OK, I've got 30 minutes. So I'm going to set out to play ONE 15+10 game instead of knocking out 7 or so 3-minute blitzers. When you're rushing games, you're not improving, and you're unlikely to improve your rating either if you lose (because you rush) and your rating doesn't improve.

benhunt72 wrote:

Another way of looking at it is to say, OK, I've got 30 minutes. So I'm going to set out to play ONE 15+10 game instead of knocking out 7 or so 3-minute blitzers. When you're rushing games, you're not improving, and you're unlikely to improve your rating either if you lose (because you rush) and your rating doesn't improve.

I play 10 and 10. on some sites that's Rapid. That's a lot of time. 


"... Most internet players think that 30 5 is slow, but that is unlikely slow enough to play 'real' chess. You need a game slow enough so that for most of the game you have time to consider all your candidate moves as well as your opponent’s possible replies that at least include his checks, captures, and serious threats, to make sure you can meet all of them. For the average OTB player G/90 is about the fastest, which might be roughly 60 10 online, where there is some delay. But there is no absolute; some people think faster than others and others can play real chess faster because of experience. Many internet players are reluctant to play slower than 30 5 so you might have to settle for that as a 'slow' game." - Dan Heisman (2002)


RIP bro sad.png


400 elo chess is fun