
enn passant


how to en passant


Too many Indians here.

Indians will rule the world soon - Usha, Ramaswamy, Sunak.

Not to mention the Narendra.


If black plays ...c7-c5 here, white can capture en passant by dxc6.

If white plays g2-g4 here, black can capture en passant by ...hxg3.

The rule goes if a pawn sits on the 2nd relative rank, and is pushed two squares forward, an enemy pawn on the relative 5th rank can capture it diagonally, removing it in the process.

Basically you are doing a double move, push, and the rival pawn controls the square in front of the pawn, so can take it.


Yes, like the above poster said. If the other player moves a pawn 2 squares forward and it lands alongside your pawn, you can capture it diagonally like it only moved forward one square.