
Am I doing this right?


I won this game but I was analyzing different positions in the game

One tactic I found is to shoft my rook to e8 hipity hop my knight to e2 and fork the king and bishop whilst sacrificing my knight, if taken by the queen my rook swoops in for the kill.
One tactic for white i found was for him to use pawn h4 bishop g5 to deflect my queen.
Those are the green and red arrows.
The rest are just movements and normal captures.
My question is am I thinking about this right and did I miss anything?


as i posted this I realized my Nf4 move is unsafe.


Why would you have all those arrows? Surely that just confuses things massively.

For example, you say about N capturing on e2 but as you mention there’s no real way to do that.

I think you’re overdoing the visuals personally.

JamesColeman wrote:

Why would you have all those arrows? Surely that just confuses things massively.

For example, you say about N capturing on e2 but as you mention there’s no real way to do that.

I think you’re overdoing the visuals personally.

I should have clarified that I actually dont do ll of the arrows this was just to hilight what I was thinking.