
Your thoughts?


Any comments about any part of the game would be appreciated, but I was hoping you would comment on the ending (good, bad, black blunders too much?).


Thanks for any comments.


One of the things that I find interesting about this game is the lack of pawn defense for the King.  Most of the games I've played and seen, there is the three pawn wall that remains in front of the King after he castles.  This usually remains in position until the mid to endgame. 


I thought black opened very well, and then suddenly went retarded. Whites opening was a little more loose and care free, but completly unorthodox. Broke pretty much every opening taboo. Right after the queen sac, whites game got a lot tighter and more creative.


A knight in the flank always walks the plank, i would have to agree the opening is very unorthodox.


For some reason 19. Qd5 seems very nice to me. Anyone got computer game to check this out?


You got lucky with 29...Rc3.  29.Rxf3+ 30.Nxf3 Qxf3+ and you were in all sorts of trouble.