Maybe because it's the same technique as a simple queen vs King endgame forcing the king to the edge. The difference is black just has some extra pieces on the board that are immobile, and the king can't help because it needs to keep those pieces immobile.
Too difficult for computers
1949 endgame study by Naiderashvilli, from Irvin Chernev's Practical Chess Endings (perhaps a tad off topic for the book title).
Forgive me if I posted this before, but it may have been a different thread. It's called the "kings grave" puzzle:
The computer has trouble seeing this one until about 8 moves away. I know not all the moves are forced, but the queen can always easily reposition to force the king to the a file in every case (too many to include every variation, but have checked them with stockfish, it's a forced mate even if the king runs back to the 3rd rank as he is cut off on the 4th rank anyway)
AMAZING!!! The queen is the most useful piece in chess!!!
Yes!! I got it on the 4th try.
Hundred percent. We must applaud your true "geniusness."
This position only works because the bishop on a1 is locked into place, no other piece could be trapped there. So blunder alert do not box your bishop and king into a corner as part of a fortress attempt.
What amazing with this endgame is all of the ways it can be blundered with reasonably intuitive moves.
Forgive me if I posted this before, but it may have been a different thread. It's called the "kings grave" puzzle:
You have to "dig" move 6.
Here's a nice white to move and mate in 15 that engines are clueless on:
The specialized engine (The Huntsman 1) finds #15 almost instantly.
Here's a nice white to move and mate in 15 that engines are clueless on:
The specialized engine (The Huntsman 1) finds #15 almost instantly.
You're right, I must have forgot to try The Hunstman 1 on this one (a serious faux pas on my part as The Huntsman 1 is a good Mate-Finder!), so here is a mate in 27 that The Huntsman 1 and all other engines, unless I'm mistaken again may find difficult:
I'll post the solution tomorrow.
Here's a nice white to move and mate in 15 that engines are clueless on:
The specialized engine (The Huntsman 1) finds #15 almost instantly.
You're right, I must have forgot to try The Hunstman 1 on this one (a serious faux pas on my part as The Huntsman 1 is a good Mate-Finder!), so here is a mate in 27 that The Huntsman 1 and all other engines, unless I'm mistaken again may find difficult:
I'll post the solution tomorrow.
A human need no more than a few seconds to find that the solution is illegal....
He can also find without much difficulty the winning Ne4-Nf7+ idea, which needs the elimination of the Be8 to make it work.
It's interesting that after 3-4 minutes the Huntsman finds the king trip to e8, and then the king back to h3, and eventually Ne5. However, he doesn't find the f3-f4 idea, which leads to faster (and more pretty) checkmates.
Here's a nice white to move and mate in 15 that engines are clueless on:
The specialized engine (The Huntsman 1) finds #15 almost instantly.
You're right, I must have forgot to try The Hunstman 1 on this one (a serious faux pas on my part as The Huntsman 1 is a good Mate-Finder!), so here is a mate in 27 that The Huntsman 1 and all other engines, unless I'm mistaken again may find difficult:
I'll post the solution tomorrow.
A human need no more than a few seconds to find that the solution is illegal....
He can also find without much difficulty the winning Ne4-Nf7+ idea, which needs the elimination of the Be8 to make it work.
It's interesting that after 3-4 minutes the Huntsman finds the king trip to e8, and then the king back to h3, and eventually Ne5. However, he doesn't find the f3-f4 idea, which leads to faster (and more pretty) checkmates.
I must admit I don't see how the solution is "illegal", however you're correct that it is another royal march by the White King to e8, but the White King doesn't go back to h3 in the solution, anyways here is the solution to get the mate down to 27 moves:
I must admit I don't see how the solution is "illegal" ...................
Well, the position is illegal and that is sufficient to declare the solution illegal. The white pawns made at least 4 capturing moves from the PAS while only one black unit is missing in the diagram.
I must admit I don't see how the solution is "illegal" ...................
Well, the position is illegal and that is sufficient to declare the solution illegal. The white pawns made at least 4 capturing moves from the PAS while only one black unit is missing in the diagram.
This. The solution is legal moves, but the initial position is certainly illegal, which also affects the solution.
No matter how clever the solution is, the problem will never find its way to the FIDE album (which is in a sort of hiatus, anyway).
Forgive me if I posted this before, but it may have been a different thread. It's called the "kings grave" puzzle:
The computer has trouble seeing this one until about 8 moves away. I know not all the moves are forced, but the queen can always easily reposition to force the king to the a file in every case (too many to include every variation, but have checked them with stockfish, it's a forced mate even if the king runs back to the 3rd rank as he is cut off on the 4th rank anyway)
It looks like "The Huntsman" engine finds a mate from the root position on this puzzle, it just can't quite determine how many moves, but it understands the idea: