Stockfish can't seem to find the drawing idea here..forcing the 2nd black pawn onto the wrong color promotion square so it will be a drawn king and pawn endgame. And it's only 3 moves!
I knew that almost all versions of Stockfish that I have could solve this one, so just for fun I tried out Stockfish 1.6.3 from 2010 and in 2 seconds it shows the correct score:
Stockfish can't seem to find the drawing idea here..forcing the 2nd black pawn onto the wrong color promotion square so it will be a drawn king and pawn endgame. And it's only 3 moves!
Actually Stockfish finds the drawing idea instantly, but it does not evaluate the position after 3...gxh6 as 0.00 as it should. But we know that Black cannot win, as all possible Black moves are equally evaluated.
Without a tablebase or a very specific heuristic, this takes a lot of analysis to evaluate to a definite draw. Engines cannot abstract at all - they need to analyse attempts to advance the pawns with the pieces everywhere they could be, to be sure.