Solo para maestros
Too difficult for computers
The best move that Black can make in this position is to resign. If we put the Black Queen back on g6 Stockfish says that White can force checkmate in 9 no matter what Black does.
So essentially what the engine is saying is, "It doesn't matter what black plays. Here's a move."
After going through quite a few game reviews and being chided by the engine for "missing a move that would win a pawn" (where the advantage I was seeking was positional) I expected the engine to prefer the move that lost the least material without decreasing the chances of a win.
So I was wrong.
If you think i was hiding it or wanted to take some kind of credit, then you completely wrong. By saying that it was created by me i meant that you cant really find it anywhere else on the internet if you look specifically for the puzzles engines have trouble with. And believe me or not if there was any further interest in the puzzle I would have shared original position myself.. But ok if its going to make you or anyone else feel better, then i admit that i copied position from someone elses game and modified it a bit so that the queen sacrifice would actually be the best move.