
The 3 primary rule sets for chess puzzles


Whenever anyone posts a puzzle in one of the puzzle forums it is likely created on the basis of one of 3 chess rule sets. The 3rd one does double duty for the retrograde field and effectively yields a 4th rule set as well. The 2nd one, by its very nature is the one should abide by but I am not sure that it does:

  1. The official FIDE OTB rules used to play games in a real physical environment with 2 real players and commonly an arbiter to resolve 'issues' during the game. It would typically apply to puzzles taken from a physical game environment like a World Championship. 
  2. The official FIDE online rules which would apply to all puzzles taken from online games played on online sites such as
  3. The rules in the Codex for Chess Compositition in sofar that they cover the puzzles made to follow the FIDE-rules with minor but necessary adjustments. 
  4. The rules in the Codex for Chess Compositition in sofar that they cover the puzzles made to follow the FIDE-rules with Retrograde-extensions. Follow the same link as under "point 3".

Note: All The other Codex composition types may be interesting but commonly impossible to manage in with its FIDE-oriented puzzle interface so we skip them.

What we would all like is when all puzzles play by the same rules but the situation is that they don't. Which places the burden on the puzzle poster to supply additional information for you to know how the puzzles were made when the details of the rules matter!

Table for the ways to get/claim a draw under the various rule sets. What is most remarkable is that The FIDE ONLINE set is identical to the Codex RETRO set for these conditions. Which has interesting consequences. To discuss in a follow-up post.

Note: DP stands for the inclusion of the Dead Position rule. "Draw by agreement" and "stalemate" are uncontroversial and therefore omitted in the table.


  3R draw 5R draw 50M draw 75M draw DP
1. FIDE OTB claim automatic claim automatic yes
2. FIDE ONLINE automatic - automatic - yes
3. Codex FIDE automatic - - - no
4. Codex RETRO automatic - automatic - yes

the dark knight responds:

What the heel is this all about??




It's part of a larger project which got interrupted when I fell ill and my computer crashed. Note there are links to the official documents provided by FIDE and and the WFCC (the organization for problemists) which is loosely tied to FIDE.

The important message to get is that nobody knows which chess rules apply to a random puzzle posted on e.g. or any chess website. It doesn't ordinarily show up on normal moves such as "Ng1-f3" but in some cases it might. The main focus however is on termination rules for game terminations and automatic/claimed draws and the handling of dead positions.

One misconception is that the troubles are restricted to puzzling - they affect game play is well. I am pretty sure that all top players have recorded illegal tournament games including Magnus Carlsen. AI systems will come to the same conclusion in the coming decades as the rule inconsistencies cannot be attributed to communication problems. It's just design insanity.


I am enlightened


Great post