
Recent endgame.


Here is a recent game of mine, or at least the ending.  I really got away with one here.  It seems like black was playing without a plan and paid the price.  The blunder didn't help either!


Yeah, looks like black kind of let this one go.  Nice focus on your part though.


Thanks!  I'd heard this player bemoan his weak endgame before so I decided to sit it out and see what happens...


I did consider playing on as I also give white an edge in this position due to the better rooks, but I had no clear plan to victory and blacks conected pawns looked like they would be hard to stop.  Your idea is a good one that I completely missed, but black would have time to move a rook to the 6th rank to defend.

h6 (threatening mate) Rxh6

Rxh6 Kxg7   I don't see a way to overcome this.

Also, it was late and my wife had arived to take me home.Smile

I was wondering the otherday how many world champions have had a wife and child...