
Pawn endgame


Which pawn is best to have in the endgame?


I think c, d, e and f pawns are all good but b and g has some problems in some endgames. a and h pawns are totally bad because there is a bigger chance of draw! That's all I know, correct me if I'm wrong...

Of course I'm talking about a passed pawn!


It all depends on the particular endgame.


If you have a K+P against K, all non-rook pawns are the same and rook pawns are often not as good.


If you have K+Q against K+P where the pawn is on the seventh rank, rook and bishop pawns are a draw and the other pawns lose.


In an endgame where both sides have pawns, the side with a passed pawn usually has some advantage. A passed pawn further to the outside (away from the center) is better because it takes the opponent's king further from the action.

melzerh wrote:

Which pawn is best to have in the endgame?

 The passed pawn :-)


Seriously, many very elementary end games are more drawish in the case of a rook pawn than with other pawns. But you can't really take about it in any less general terms than that, depends on the rest of the position...

yavuz1990 wrote:

I think c, d, e and f pawns are all good but b and g has some problems in some endgames. a and h pawns are totally bad because there is a bigger chance of draw! That's all I know, correct me if I'm wrong...

Of course I'm talking about a passed pawn!

Some two-P-endings are won *except* if one of your pawns is a BP or RP :) . In algebraic, that translates to: sometimes c/f pawns are *also* bad...

I play correspondence chess on [correspondence chess = by definition everything including programs and tablebases are allowed] -- in one of the games there I just decided my *9th* move (between two options) as white on the basis of the pawn-endgame it will reach...

[after 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 g6 4. f3 Bg7 5. Be3 Qb6 6. Qd2 dxe4 7. fxe4 Qxb2 8.Rb1 Qa3 I have decided on 9.e5 on the above basis...]

yavuz - thats why I am too exhausted to concentrate on our game today... corr chess i.e. *with* engines allowed - is much more tiring! [engines being no good at endgames until they are frequently hitting tablebases..]