... to all readers... here is the solution of the first 8 moves :
1. Rxa4! Qxa4! 2. Bxa4! Bxa4+! 3. Kc5! Rg5+! 4. Kb4! Rg4+! 5. Kc3!! ( Houdini 3 and other programs plays here the wrong move 5.Ka3? ) Ne7! 6. Qa8+! Kd7! 7.b7! ( many programs don't find this move ) Bc6! 8. b8=N+!! ( with b8=Q ? there is no win for white ) Kd6!
kindly regards from Karlsruhe
...the solution of my mate in 550 you can find here :
(the music is by Blood,Sweat and Tears)
...but in 2013 I composed a chess problem with 1 move more :
Who can solve here the first 8 moves ?