
King against Queen and king

Someone help me with that. Can a king survive when it's alone with a queen on the other side?
not even if a rook and king on the other side
Yikes! Ok cool.
Will get him next time
One piece could not win two.

Assuming no pawns on both sides, these are smallest amounts of Material an opponent will need to force checkmate on a lone king:


- King + Queen

- King + Rook

- King + 2 Bishops

- King + Knight + Bishop


(Note that it is impossible to force checkmate on a lone king with only a King and 2 knights as far as we are aware.)





Checkmate with king & queen versus lone king is the first thing I teach new players.  By far the most common ending.  King & rook versus king is pretty common, as well.  These are endings every player should know.


I have only king but the other have king,Queen and rook now how many move can be played he didnt checkmate me in 45-50 move i just kept moving my king



KQR vs. K takes no more than 10 moves to checkmate.



But KNN vs. KP can checkmate if the pawn is not too far advanced and blocked by a knight.

Aurpon2 wrote:

I have only king but the other have king,Queen and rook now how many move can be played he didnt checkmate me in 45-50 move i just kept moving my king

After 100-ply (50 moves) without a checkmate you can claim a draw.

But if during these 100 half moves you capture either the rook, or the queen, the move count is reset.