
Is Rook and a pawn vs queen draw in this position?


I was studying some endgames online and I remembered when I studied an endgame in which rook and 1 pawn vs queen was actually a draw but engine showed that black can win. I can't remember the right position and name .can You tell me if this position is a draw and name of the endgame 

In this I remember White has to play Rb3 Rd3 again and again and on check he have to play Kb2 or Kd2 and comeback on c1 when possible

Please help!


I forgot to mention that I played it with max engine and we draw by 50 move rule


Hey there completely forgot I added you and I haven't played chess in a while. And I am not a really good chess player whereas my max rating is around 1000 but right now around 600. And not really a chess nerd dont really understand. (no offense). I don't think I can help you sorry not that good enough.

6Kashy wrote:

Hey there completely forgot I added you and I haven't played chess in a while. And I am not a really good chess player whereas my max rating is around 1000 but right now around 600. And not really a chess nerd dont really understand. (no offense). I don't think I can help you sorry not that good enough.

No problem bro

i wish you that you reach 2400🙂

thanks for responding


Thanks bro appreciate it maybe some we can play and I wish you reach 2400.


Maybe some day we can play*


whey man hows it\\ going nga ill fkck your mom


MAHAKAAL03 who is this dude?


And why is he here?



Can you please explain last 2 questions

'this dude' and 'he' refer to whom?


I think he got banned because there was this random person chatting I reported him because he said swear words to me and something inappropriate about my mum. Chess must've removed the comment and the account for a while.

MAHAKAAL03 wrote:

I was studying some endgames online and I remembered when I studied an endgame in which rook and 1 pawn vs queen was actually a draw but engine showed that black can win. I can't remember the right position and name .can You tell me if this position is a draw and name of the endgame 

In this I remember White has to play Rb3 Rd3 again and again and on check he have to play Kb2 or Kd2 and comeback on c1 when possible

Please help!

Yes, this is a draw and many similar endgames like it. Some checkmates have a name but endgames have not. They have a formula and here it is K+Q vs K+R+P. However the formula doesn't tell you whether or not a particular position wins. Commonly the queen-side wins unless the pawn is far advanced or the rook+pawn side has set up a fortress like yours.

Never trust game engines in difficult endgame positions. Only the 7-piece tablebase will give you the correct outcome of any endgame with at most 7 units on the board (including kings).


Name of the endgame, rook and pawn vs king and queen. i don't know exactly how it would be a draw for both. but it looks like white actually has the ability to win.


thanks everyone for responding

Christmas1tree wrote:

Name of the endgame, rook and pawn vs king and queen. i don't know exactly how it would be a draw for both. but it looks like white actually has the ability to win.

yeah i thought that at first glance

then i saw that black's lone queen can't checkmate so black's king has to come near which is stopped by white's mighty rook

MAHAKAAL03 wrote:
Christmas1tree wrote:

Name of the endgame, rook and pawn vs king and queen. i don't know exactly how it would be a draw for both. but it looks like white actually has the ability to win.

yeah i thought that at first glance

then i saw that black's lone queen can't checkmate so black's king has to come near which is stopped by white's mighty rook

Why would you believe that white has the ability to win with 6 points on the board (R+P) against 9 (Q)?

And you need not thank everyone for responding, just me. Nobody else has written anything that makes sense. If you want to make progress in chess you will need to learn to recognize true experts in a field of mindless christmas trees.

according to stockfish yes 😞
ChessIsLikeFire wrote:

The king can do a ring-around-the rosy thing around the pawn if the queen constantly gives checks, but I think this is ONLY a draw when the king is cut off. With the rook on d3 and the king on the e file, the king will never be able to touch the pawn and the queen can only give checks or sacrifice.

That makes some sense. But remember you have to check zugzwang as well. In some of these endgame positions (not this particular one) the queen-side wins by forcing the rook side to play a move when all pieces are already in their ideal positions. And that will then win for the queen side! The best way to figure these things out in 2023 is by analyzing similar positions with a tablebase - and not with StockFish!


its a draw coz the rook has two protected squares, and the king is close to c1

Arisktotle wrote:
ChessIsLikeFire wrote:

The king can do a ring-around-the rosy thing around the pawn if the queen constantly gives checks, but I think this is ONLY a draw when the king is cut off. With the rook on d3 and the king on the e file, the king will never be able to touch the pawn and the queen can only give checks or sacrifice.

That makes some sense. But remember you have to check zugzwang as well. In some of these endgame positions (not this particular one) the queen-side wins by forcing the rook side to play a move when all pieces are already in their ideal positions. And that will then win for the queen side! The best way to figure these things out in 2023 is by analyzing similar positions with a tablebase - and not with StockFish!

i dont think there is zugzwang because ideal position for rook is on 3rd rank's 2 squares that are in pawn's eyes

and black does not have any piece to block rook's movement ob them