
Improvements to endgame?


Here's a game I finished up recently.  I'm playing black, and eventually I won by giving up my extra bishop for the passed pawn, converting to a won rook & pawn endgame.  I didn't feel I played it particularly well, though, and I'm looking for recommendations on what I could have done better.


It's not that great because u had him going into that endgame.


Completely agree with tonydal's 39...Rxg5.  Trading rooks is your main priority.


44 Kg4 Rg1+ was another missed opportunity

rooks belong behind passed pawns, either for supporting them (where he wants to be and you let him do so) or for controlling your opponent's pawns.

Note: the above was proofed and edited Oct 30. Sorry if my earlier comments caused confusion.


Ah, good ideas.  I totally missed the possibility of 39.Rxg5.  Escapist's other suggestion with Rh1+ is good too.  Thanks for taking a look!