
Ia there any hope ?


This is not the excat position, but I hope you get the point. We have one rook each but I have a pawn. Is it a draw or is there any way I could win? 


its a draw



That is a draw indeed. However, you need the exact position.
Some KRP vs. KR are won, some are draw.

If you are in stronger side (you have a pawn and your opponent do not) and your king is behind your pawn and your opponents king is between your pawn and its promotion square it is allmost allways a draw. Alfhough, if opponent do not know the right way to defense than you can win. Look at youtube and find how to play in winning position (Lucena position or Building the bridge) and find how to defense in drawn position ( Philidor position or sixth rank defense).

It's a draw in theory but only if your opponent knows how.Lots of theoretically drawn positions are won and lost. So there is hope: play it out and make him/her show you they know.

''In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is!'' - Yogi Berra

mrhjornevik wrote:

This is not the excat position, but I hope you get the point. We have one rook each but I have a pawn. Is it a draw or is there any way I could win?

In theory it is a draw but if it is like a 1800 ish you can get lucky 100% you might even get lucky at around 2000 elo